The Alchemist summary
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The Alchemist Summary PDF | Paulo Coelho

Chapter by Chapter Summary of The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream

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Life gets busy. Has The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho been on your reading list? Learn the key insights now.
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Do you have a Personal Legend? You probably do, even if you donโ€™t know it yet.

Your Personal Legend is what you want to achieve in life. In The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho explores this theme through the mystical tale of a shepherd boy named Santiago. He thinks his desired goal is to find treasure, but after going on a long, difficult quest, he realizes his true goal, or Personal Legend, is what he learns along the way.

Since it was first published in 1988, The Alchemist has delighted and inspired millions of people around the world. Read our summary (Continue reading) to discover why.

About Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian writer who specializes in spiritually inspired novels. Coelho had a troubled childhood and rebelled against his Catholic parentsโ€™ religion. Subsequently, they committed him to a psychiatric hospital on three occasions. Coelho used this hardship and his spiritual awakening, while on his 500-mile journey to Santiago de Compostela, as inspiration for his books.

Before becoming a writer, Coelho engaged with multiple professions. He has worked as a lawyer, songwriter, actor, journalist, and theater director. The Alchemist was initially a slow seller but has grown to become the most-translated book by a living author.

Coelho lets the world around him guide his writing. His ritual is to begin writing a novel when he sees a white feather in January of an odd year.

Paulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist
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The Alchemist Summary PDF | Paulo Coelho ( Credit: Wikimedia )


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StoryShot #1: Dreaming Is What Makes Life Interesting

The main character in The Alchemist is a shepherd called Santiago. The story starts with Santiago pondering the nature of his work. Santiago is close to his animals. He calls each of them by name, his schedule revolves around them, and he has conversations with them. Recently, Santiagoโ€™s conversations have been about a girl he met a year ago. He met her in the village that is the next destination on his journey.

Santiago hasnโ€™t stopped thinking about this girl all year. She is a merchantโ€™s daughter he met while delivering wool to a shop where she was browsing. The shop owner bought the wool from Santiago and encouraged him to return a year later. Hence, Santiago is on the way back to the village where he first met the girl.

Santiago views his shepherding life as providing him with considerable freedom. He allows his sheep to lead the way and eventually finds a new path. However, Santiago realizes this is not a real discovery. He once dreamed of traveling the world. He accepts that dreaming about what you donโ€™t have is what makes life interesting. This is why he has been dreaming for a year about seeing this girl again.

 Young man sitting alone in a field, staring ahead
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StoryShot #2: We All Have a Personal Legend We Want to Achieve

There are two key themes in The Alchemist: โ€œPersonal Legendsโ€ and pursuing your dream.

Personal Legends

Once Santiago reaches Tarifa, his last stop before the village where his dream girl lives, he visits an old gypsy woman. This woman claims she can interpret dreams. Santiago has had a recurring dream where a child shows him the location of some treasure. However, he wakes up just before he finds out exactly where it is. The gypsy woman tells Santiago this treasure is legitimate. She explains to him that dreams are a language used by the Soul of the World to communicate with people. The woman accepts as payment one-tenth of the treasure when Santiago finds it.

Upon leaving the gypsy womanโ€™s house, Santiago sits in the plaza to read a book. An old man comes up to him and tells him he has read that book. The man reveals himself to be Melchizedek, the king of Salem. He bestows wisdom upon Santiago. This wisdom is that the world believes fate prevents people from achieving their Personal Legend. Personal Legends are dreams that people have wanted to achieve their entire life. Just as the gypsy woman said, Melchizedek explains that Personal Legends come from the Soul of the World. However, fear and routine obscure our Personal Legend. 

Melchizedek explains to Santiago that he only appears to people who are ready to achieve their dreams. He will tell Santiago about the treasure in his dream if the boy gives him one-tenth of his sheep.

Box full of jewelery and treasure
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Pursuing Your Dreams

After deliberation, Santiago decides his sheep and the merchantโ€™s daughter were merely steps on the way to his Personal Legend (i.e., the treasure). He decides to sell his flock immediately and gives Melchizedek six sheep for free. Melchizedek tells Santiago to always follow the omens and gives Santiago two stones. One stone is black and called Urim (meaning โ€œyesโ€), and the other is white and called Thummim (meaning โ€œnoโ€). These stones will help Santiago if he struggles to understand the omens. With the money from selling his flock, Santiago buys a ticket from Tarifa to Africa and sets sail to find the treasure. 

Upon arriving in Tangiers, Santiago realizes that obtaining his Personal Legend will be more complicated than he first imagined. For starters, he does not speak Arabic. While sitting alone in a bar, a young man approaches Santiago. In Spanish, the man offers to help him get to the Egyptian pyramids where the treasure lies. However, when the young man offers to help Santiago buy a camel, he robs him of all his money. Santiago weeps with despair. He has nothing and asks the stones if Melchizedekโ€™s blessing is still with him. The answer is yes. So, Santiago continues on his journey toward obtaining his dreams. 

Wandering the streets in search of opportunities, Santiago comes across a crystal shop struggling financially. Santiago cleans the front window, and the owner offers him a job. The owner is willing to pay Santiago enough to save up for a new flock of sheep and his passage back home. Santiago agrees and takes the job.

Rooftop view of Tangiers, Morocco, beneath a cloudless sky
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Personal Legends Explained

Personal Legends serve as the only means by which a person can live a satisfying life. Those who put off their Personal Legends will suffer from regret and fail to experience the wealth associated with achieving them. Additionally, following your Personal Legends will allow the world to bestow favors upon you. The novel even explains that natural elements must aim to achieve their Personal Legends. For example, alchemy involves turning metal into its own Personal Legend: gold.

StoryShot #3: Everything Happens for a Reason

After obtaining enough money to buy another flock and travel home, Santiago has a conversation with the crystal shop owner. He asks for the ownerโ€™s blessing to go home. Although the owner gives his blessing, he also tells Santiago that he knows he will not return to Spain. He says Santiago will continue to pursue his Personal Legend. Santiago accepts he is far from home and closer to the Egyptian pyramids and the treasure. He takes a chance and starts living in a caravan in the desert to search for the treasure.

While living here, he meets an Englishman in search of his own Personal Legend. Melchizedek also gave this man Urim and Thummim. Santiago realizes the series of events he has experienced have all guided him closer to his Personal Legend. Even being robbed was part of his journey toward finding the treasure.

While traveling across the desert, the Englishman talks to Santiago about the Soul of the World. He describes this as the principle that governs all things. If we have an intuition or genuinely want something, we are immersed in the Soul of the World. Santiago reads some of the Englishmanโ€™s alchemy books. He discovered that almost all famous alchemists dedicated their lives to realizing their Personal Legends. However, Santiago wants to read the worldโ€™s omens through everyday life, rather than in old books.

StoryShot #4: Love Helps You Hear the Soul of the World

The caravan finally reaches the oasis where an alchemist has been waiting for its arrival. This alchemist knew from reading the desertโ€™s omens that someone in a caravan sought them out.

At this time, a war is taking place between the tribes of the desert. This war makes the desert too dangerous to cross. Therefore, the caravan must stay at the oasis indefinitely. 

Santiago meets a beautiful girl, Fatima, at a well and falls in love with her. He learns that being in love helps you hear the language of the Soul of the World. Santiago starts meeting Fatima at the well every day. He tells her about his story and everything he has learned during his journey.

An oasis in the desert
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Santiagoโ€™s Vision Saves Him

Santiago is so in love with Fatima, he tells her he wants to marry her. Heโ€™s even thinking about giving up on his quest so he can be with her. Fatima tells Santiago she understands he needs to find the treasure to realize his life goals.

While pondering this alone on the outskirts of the oasis, Santiago has a vision of an invading army. After consulting one of the caravanโ€™s guides, Santiago resolves to tell the oasis chiefs what the desertโ€™s omens have shown him. After he tells them, they deliberate and decide to prepare for war. This war is against the oasis tradition, as the area is usually considered neutral ground.

The chiefs make a deal with Santiago. If the enemy arrives, they will give Santiago a gold piece for every ten enemies slain. If Santiagoโ€™s vision is wrong, he will be killed. Walking home from his meeting with the chiefs, Santiago is pensive but sure he has made the right decision.

Santiago Is Ambushed

A man with a falcon on his shoulder, dressed all in black and riding a white horse, assails Santiago. The attacker holds a sword to Santiagoโ€™s head and demands to know how he knew of the approaching army. Santiago is frightened and explains to the man about the omens of the desert and his Personal Legend. He says he had no choice. To Santiagoโ€™s surprise, the man understands completely. He leaves, telling Santiago to find him if he survives in the coming days. As the horseman rides away, Santiago realizes he has just met the alchemist.

The next day, the men of the oasis kill all the intruders. Subsequently, the oasis chiefs award Santiago fifty pieces of gold and ask him to become the oasis counselor. Instead, Santiago makes the difficult decision of leaving Fatima and the opportunity to become a counselor. He chooses to pursue his Personal Legend alongside the alchemist.

StoryShot #5: Our True Treasure Is Not Always What We Think It Is

Through Santiagoโ€™s journey in The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho teaches us that the โ€œtreasureโ€ we are aiming for may not be our true goal.

Nearing the Treasure

Santiago travels across the desert with the alchemist. He grows restless, wanting to learn more about the alchemistโ€™s secrets. However, the alchemist explains that, although he has learned much, some things cannot be taught. Santiago must learn these things himself. The alchemist also explains that men complicate matters by seeking their Personal Legendโ€™s treasures without living their Personal Legends. He advises Santiago to listen to his heart.

When nearing the treasure, the two men are traveling through dangerous lands. Santiagoโ€™s heart is becoming agitated. He hears from the Soul of the World about others who have failed to find their fortune. He is scared and wants to return to Fatima. However, he learns to be at peace with these worries.

War Catches Up With the Travelers

A warring tribe captures the travelers and threatens to kill them. To save their lives, the alchemist gives the tribe all Santiagoโ€™s money and tells them Santiago is a powerful wizard. He says Santiago can turn himself into the wind and destroy them. The tribesmen do not believe them but give Santiago three days to prove his powers.

Although the alchemist is unaffected, Santiago continues to worry about proving his abilities. On the third day, he goes to the top of a cliff. He tries to speak to the desert and explains he needs to turn himself into the wind to return to his love, Fatima. However, the desert does not know how to do this. Santiago then asks the wind, but the wind is unaware of what love is. 

Finally, the sun suggests Santiago asks the Hand That Wrote All. Santiago begins to pray. His prayer is not a request but an acknowledgment that his heart and the Soul of the World are the same. Upon this realization, Santiago turns into the wind. The tribesmen arrive to learn that Santiago has disappeared, then he reappears on the other side of the camp. Impressed, the tribal chiefs let the two travelers go and give them a guide to find their destination.

The Alchemist Leaves Santiago

The next day, the alchemist takes his leave at a Coptic monastery. Santiago continues his travels and reaches the pyramids where the treasure is located. He realizes the real treasure in life is not the gold or jewels that lie there. It is the wisdom he has gained on his way to the pyramids and his love for Fatima.

The Egyptian pyramids
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Santiago is happy to walk back home at this point. However, the alchemist tells him to listen to his heart. His heart tells him to start digging in the spot where there was a scarab beetle. As he is digging, some men approach him and beat him savagely. They also take all his money. Santiago tries to explain what he is doing and how he has come to be there. The men tell him that he is a fool and they have the same recurring dream. They dreamed of treasures in Spain, but say they were not stupid enough to chase after their dream. 

Santiago has been beaten down but is ecstatic. He now knows where his treasure lies

StoryShot #6: The Alchemist Teaches Us Lessons About Fear, Dreams, Fate, and Omens

Coelho teaches us many lessons through the story of Santiago and his quest to find treasure.


Fear of failure is the primary obstacle Santiago must overcome on his journey. Throughout the book, wise individuals tell Santiago this fear becomes irrelevant if you faithfully pursue your dreams. This wisdom is supported by the times Santiago truly pursued his dreams, like turning himself into the wind.


Although dreams are common throughout The Alchemist, the most important dream is Santiagoโ€™s Personal Legend. Personal Legends enlighten the characters and form communication with the Soul of the World. You can use life goals to guide you through hardships. Whatโ€™s more, the possibility of achieving your dream is what makes life interesting.


Many characters use the term โ€œMaktubโ€ throughout the book. Maktub means โ€œit is written.โ€ Santiagoโ€™s story shows that fate always cooperates with those in pursuit of their Personal Legends. Everything in the universe conspires to help you achieve what you desire. Therefore, you should remain focused on your goals and find comfort in the belief that your destiny is already written in the worldโ€™s history. 


Omens allow you to find your meaning, no matter the environment. This is because omens are part of the Universal Language of the World. We should also try to find meaning in random events. Every event can be applied to our Personal Legend and considered another step toward achieving our goals.

Youโ€™ll be happy if you keep your eyes on the present. Life will be a grand party for you because life is the moment youโ€™re living now.

Donโ€™t Be a Sheep

The sheep in The Alchemist are symbolic. Although Santiago cares for his sheep, he also understands they lack something he has. He understands his sheep do not have the same capacity as him to have a Personal Legend. This is why they follow him wherever he goes.

Before Santiago started chasing his dreams, he was like a sheep. He followed others and was focused on material desires and social acceptance. Identifying your Personal Legend is vital in preventing you from becoming dependent on others.

Herd of sheep
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Hardship Helps You Find Your True Personal Legend

Santiagoโ€™s journey to find his Personal Legend was not easy. The Alchemist is filled with challenging times for Santiago. He was robbed, abducted, and threatened with death, then beaten and robbed again. However, Santiago ends the book happier than he was before embarking on this journey.

The most important takeaway message from this book is that desiring a goal in life is where we gain happiness. A life of challenges in pursuit of a Personal Legend is happier than a safe and directionless life. According to Coelho, โ€œThe secret of life is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.โ€

Final Summary and Review

The Alchemist tells the mystical story of Santiago. This Andalusian shepherd boy yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure. Santiago regards this treasure as his Personal Legend. However, his quest to obtain this treasure leads him to different riches that are far more satisfying.

Santiago experiences hardship, love, and friendship. He also learns that staying focused on a life goal provides him with the drive to carry on. The pursuit of the dream becomes more important than the outcome. Beaten and exhausted, Santiago is happier than before embarking on this journey.

What is your Personal Legend? Tag us on social media and tell us what your true goal is in life!


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Editorโ€™s Note

This is an unofficial summary and analysis.

This article was first published in early 2021. It was revised in Dec 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Alchemist (FAQ)

What is The Alchemist about?

The Alchemist is a novel by Paulo Coelho that follows the journey of Santiago, a shepherd boy who dreams of discovering a treasure located near the pyramids of Egypt. Along the way, he learns about the importance of following oneโ€™s personal legend and listening to the heart.

Can you provide a brief The Alchemist summary?

In The Alchemist, Santiago embarks on a quest to find his treasure, encountering various characters who teach him valuable lessons about life, love, and destiny. His journey emphasizes the idea that the pursuit of oneโ€™s dreams is a universal quest.

Who are the main characters in The Alchemist?

The main characters include Santiago, the shepherd; Melchizedek, the king of Salem; the crystal merchant; and the alchemist himself. Each character plays a role in guiding Santiago on his quest.

What themes are explored in The Alchemist?

Key themes in The Alchemist include the pursuit of dreams, the importance of listening to oneโ€™s heart, the interconnectedness of all things, and the idea that the journey is as important as the destination.

Is The Alchemist considered a classic?

Yes, The Alchemist is regarded as a modern classic. Since its publication in 1988, it has been translated into numerous languages and has inspired millions around the world.

What lessons can be learned from The Alchemist?

Readers can learn about resilience, the significance of following oneโ€™s dreams, the value of self-discovery, and the notion that obstacles often lead to personal growth.

How has The Alchemist impacted readers around the world?

The Alchemist has resonated with readers globally, inspiring them to pursue their passions and reflect on their lifeโ€™s purpose, creating a sense of community among those who share similar aspirations.

Where can I find The Alchemist to read?

The Alchemist is widely available in bookstores, libraries, and online platforms such as Amazon and Goodreads. You can choose between physical copies, e-books, and audiobooks.

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The Alchemist summary PDF Paulo Coelho
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The Alchemist summary PDF Paulo Coelho

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      1. It’s related to the all upcoming alchemists like me ..,โฃ๏ธ proud to be read this book at the age 19 ..big thanks to the author and story shots ๐Ÿค—

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