Letting Go summary

Letting Go Summary | David R. Hawkins

The Pathway of Surrender

Life gets busy. Has Letting Go by David R. Hawkins been on your reading list? Learn the key insights now. We’re scratching the surface here. If you don’t already have David R. Hawkins’s popular book on self-help, spirituality, and psychology, order it here or get the audiobook for free to learn the juicy details.


Letting Go by David R. Hawkins is a transformative book that guides readers on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. It presents a simple, yet profound, method of releasing the emotional blocks that prevent us from achieving happiness and self-realization. The book explores the concept of surrender, not as a defeat or loss, but as a positive, nurturing, and powerful path to growth. By letting go of the negative emotions that cloud our consciousness, we can uncover our true nature and discover a state of peace and serenity.

About David R. Hawkins

David R. Hawkins was a renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and spiritual teacher. His work in diagnosing human consciousness and his creation of a pathway to spiritual enlightenment has impacted people worldwide. His other bestselling books include “Power vs. Force,” “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness,” and “Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference.” Despite his passing in 2012, his teachings continue to guide individuals on their spiritual journeys.

StoryShot #1: The Power of Letting Go

Letting go is not about losing or giving up. It’s about freeing ourselves from the emotional shackles that hold us back. When we let go, we release negative emotions and open ourselves to positive experiences. It’s like cleaning a window – the more grime we remove, the more light shines through. For instance, if you’ve been holding onto resentment towards a colleague, letting go would involve releasing this resentment and opening yourself up to the possibility of a more positive relationship.

StoryShot #2: Understanding Emotions

Emotions are not just feelings; they are energy in motion. When we suppress or ignore our emotions, they don’t disappear. Instead, they stay within us, creating a blockage. By acknowledging and releasing these emotions, we can clear the blockage and allow our energy to flow freely. For example, if you’re feeling frustrated about a situation but choose to ignore it, the frustration doesn’t go away. It stays within you, creating a blockage in your energy. By acknowledging and releasing this frustration, you can clear the blockage and allow your energy to flow freely.

StoryShot #3: The Process of Surrender

Surrender is not about giving up or admitting defeat. It’s about accepting what is, without trying to change or control it. When we surrender, we align ourselves with the flow of life and allow things to unfold naturally. For instance, if you’re struggling with a difficult task at work, surrendering might involve accepting the situation as it is, without trying to control the outcome. This doesn’t mean giving up on the task, but rather aligning yourself with the flow of life and allowing things to unfold naturally.

StoryShot #4: The Role of the Ego

The ego often gets in the way of letting go. It clings to negative emotions and creates resistance. By recognizing the ego’s tricks and choosing not to engage with them, we can free ourselves from its grip. For example, if you’re feeling angry and your ego is telling you to hold onto that anger, recognizing this as a trick of the ego can help you choose to let go of the anger instead.

StoryShot #5: The Power of Now

The present moment is all we have. When we let go of the past and stop worrying about the future, we can fully experience the now. This present-moment awareness is the key to peace and happiness. For instance, if you’re constantly worrying about a future event, you’re not fully present in the now. By letting go of these worries, you can fully experience the present moment and find peace and happiness.

StoryShot #6: The Path to Enlightenment

Letting go is a pathway to enlightenment. As we release our negative emotions and quiet our minds, we open ourselves to higher states of consciousness. This is where we find true peace and understanding. For example, if you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, letting go of these feelings can help you quiet your mind and open yourself to a state of peace and understanding.

StoryShot #7: The Freedom of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a powerful form of letting go. When we forgive, we release the resentment and anger that binds us to the past. This act of liberation allows us to move forward with a lighter heart. For instance, if you’re holding onto resentment towards a friend who wronged you in the past, choosing to forgive them can help you release this resentment and move forward with a lighter heart.

StoryShot #8: The Joy of Acceptance

Acceptance is a form of surrender. When we accept things as they are, without trying to change or control them, we find peace. This acceptance allows us to see the beauty in every moment. For example, if you’re unhappy with your current job, accepting it as it is, without trying to change or control it, can help you find peace and see the beauty in every moment.

StoryShot #9: The Art of Non-Attachment

Non-attachment is not about indifference or lack of care. It’s about enjoying things without becoming dependent on them for our happiness. When we practice non-attachment, we can fully enjoy life without fear of loss. For instance, if you’re attached to the idea of owning a certain car, you might feel unhappy if you can’t afford it. Practicing non-attachment would involve enjoying the idea of the car without becoming dependent on it for your happiness.

StoryShot #10: The Gift of Self-Love

Self-love is the foundation of letting go. When we love ourselves, we naturally want what’s best for us. This includes releasing anything that no longer serves us. Self-love is the ultimate act of letting go. For example, if you’re in a toxic relationship, loving yourself might involve recognizing that the relationship is not serving you and choosing to let it go.

Final Summary and Review

Letting Go by David R. Hawkins is a powerful guide to achieving emotional freedom through the process of surrender. The book explores the concept of letting go as a means to release negative emotions and mental blocks, leading to higher states of consciousness and enlightenment. It delves into the understanding of emotions, the role of the ego, the power of the present moment, and the path to enlightenment. It also emphasizes the freedom of forgiveness, the joy of acceptance, the art of non-attachment, and the gift of self-love.

Key ideas include:

  • The power of letting go
  • Understanding emotions
  • The process of surrender
  • The role of the ego
  • The power of now
  • The path to enlightenment
  • The freedom of forgiveness
  • The joy of acceptance
  • The art of non-attachment
  • The gift of self-love

If you found these insights valuable, share your thoughts on social media and tag us!


While “Letting Go” offers valuable insights, it may be criticized for its lack of practical exercises. The concept of surrender is abstract and can be difficult to grasp without concrete steps or techniques. Additionally, some readers may find the spiritual language and concepts challenging to understand.


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