رولو توماسي ملخص الذكر العقلاني للذكر العقلاني
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ملخص كتاب الذكر العقلاني والكتاب الصوتي | رولو توماسي

رولو توماسي ملخص الذكر العقلاني للذكر العقلاني

رولو توماسي | ملخص الذكر الرشيد والكتاب الصوتي

الحياة مشغولة لديها الذكر الرشيد على قائمة القراءة الخاصة بك؟ تعرّف على الأفكار الرئيسية الآن.

نحن نخدش السطح في الذكر الرشيد summary. If you don’t already have Rollo Tomassi’s popular book on relationships and self-help, اطلبها هنا أو احصل على الكتاب الصوتي مجاناً لمعرفة التفاصيل المثيرة

الاستماع إلى ملخص الكتاب الصوتي لكتاب "الذكر العقلاني" للكاتب رولو توماسي

مقدمة لكتاب رولو توماسي رولو توماسي

If you’re looking for a book that will help you understand the complexities of relationships and how to navigate them, The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi is an excellent choice. It offers insight into why men behave the way they do and provides practical strategies for creating successful partnerships with women. 

The Rational Male is considered to be one of the most popular books in the “Manosphere” which is a growing male-focused online community. The book is the first in a series of compliments to The Rational Male, the twelve-year core writing of the author/blogger Rollo Tomassi from therationalmale.com. The book explains the concepts of positive masculinity, the feminine imperative, plate theory, operative social conventions, and the core psychological theory behind Game awareness and red pill ideology.

About Rollo Tomassi

رولو توماسي هو مؤلف ومدوّن ومتحدث أمريكي معروف بعمله في موضوعات ديناميكيات الجنسين وعلم النفس التطوري والتنمية الشخصية. وهو مؤلف كتاب الذكر الرشيد و The Rational Male – Positive Masculinity, both of which are widely read and cited in the manosphere. 

Tomassi’s writing focuses on male-oriented topics such as self-improvement, dating, seduction, relationships, masculinity, and gender dynamics. He is a proponent of “red pill” ideas, which emphasize the importance of self-improvement, self-awareness, and individual responsibility in order to achieve success in relationships, careers, and life in general. Tomassi’s work often takes a critical stance toward traditional gender roles and the current state of gender relations.

StoryShot #1: The True Meaning of ‘Masculinity’ and Why It Matters

Traditional masculinity, characterized by qualities such as self-reliance, assertiveness, and self-confidence is inherently positive and beneficial for both men and women. This type of masculinity is essential for men to achieve their full potential and live fulfilling lives.

Tomassi advocates for men to take ownership of their own lives, make their own choices, and not be beholden to societal expectations or the opinions of others. 

Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and self-improvement as key components of positive masculinity.

StoryShot #2: The Benefits of Plate Theory

Plate Theory is based on the idea that men should not commit to a single woman, but instead keep several “plates spinning” at once. This means that they should cultivate relationships with multiple women, without making any promises or commitments to any of them. The idea is that this strategy allows a man to maximize his options and avoid becoming too attached to any one woman. It is also thought that this approach can help protect a man from becoming too emotionally invested in any one woman, as well as from the risk of getting hurt by a woman who may not reciprocate his feelings or intentions.

The book suggests that men should “spin more plates,” in order to have more options and opportunities for dating and personal satisfaction. Having multiple options also makes a man the “prize” in the eyes of women, who would rather share a high-value man than be stuck with a “faithful loser.” 

It advises men to communicate their non-exclusive intentions covertly, rather than overtly, and to maintain independence and control over their own choices in order to maintain power. 

Monogamy is a societal expectation imposed by the “feminine imperative”. Men should not focus their lives solely on women, but rather view them as a compliment to their overall life.

StoryShot #3: How to Maintain Your Independence and Become the Man You Want to Be

Men should always avoid the “let’s just be friends” (LJBF) situation and instead focus on physical relationships. The book argues that long-distance relationships (LDRs) are not real relationships. Also, Men should not cling to them because rejection is better than regret.

 The book also warns against falling into the “Savior Schema,” where a man expects intimacy in return for solving a woman’s problems. Men and women cannot truly be friends and a man’s social circle should primarily consist of other men in order to maintain an alpha image.

It is important for men to maintain their independence and identity, as this is what is attractive to women. Men should not compromise themselves in order to please a woman, as this threatens the predictability that women find attractive. 

It’s important to take action and become the man you want to be, rather than allowing others to dictate your identity. Men should not focus their lives solely on women, but rather view them as a compliment to their overall life. 

Men should be non-exclusive until age 30, or even 35, as this allows them to mature in their careers, passions, and personality, making them more valuable and desirable to women. Men should aim high and strive for success, as aiming too low can be more dangerous.

There is no ‘ONE’

The book also covers the concept of “ONEitis” which is defined as an unhealthy romantic obsession with a single person. This is usually accompanied by unreciprocated affection and completely unrealistic idealization of the said person. 

The author explains that there is no “ONE”, there are some good “Ones” and there are some bad “Ones” but there is no “ONE”. There is no one perfect person, there are some good people and some bad people, but there is no one single person who is perfect for everyone. 

StoryShot #4: Why Men Need to Understand Game?

Rollo Tomassi discusses the importance of understanding Game and how it can help men better understand women and their behavior. Game is a series of behavioral modifications based on psychological and sociological principles that are designed to facilitate intersexual relations between genders. 

Women would rather share a successful man than be attached to someone who consistently fails – this means they will often look for partners with higher social value (SMV). Peak years for female SMV are between 22–24 years old; at this age, they have the highest fertility rates as well as desirability and potential for male attention/arousal. On the other hand, males reach their own relative SMV apex around 36 when they’ve maximized their potential both socially and professionally – making them more attractive long-term investments from a hypergamous directives perspective.

The key takeaway here is understanding why certain behaviors work or don’t work in relation to attracting members of the opposite sex, which ultimately helps you become more successful with relationships while avoiding unnecessary drama or heartache along the way. To do so effectively one must first understand what Game actually entails: its fundamentals such as self-improvement (physically & mentally), developing social skills & awareness, etc., then applying those concepts accordingly depending on the situation at hand thus increasing chances of success substantially.

Game Awareness and Red Pill Ideology

Game awareness and Red Pill ideology focus on developing strategies and tactics to give men an advantage in the dating game, such as learning how to be confident, how to make oneself more attractive, and how to better attract women. 

It also focuses on understanding the different types of women and the different dynamics that come into play when interacting with them. By understanding the psychological theories behind Game awareness and Red Pill ideology, men are able to better understand how to interact with women and increase their chances of success in dating and relationships.

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وكان هذا غيض من فيض. للتعمق في التفاصيل ودعم رولو توماسي، اطلبها هنا أو احصل على الكتاب الصوتي مجاناً.

هل أعجبك ما تعلمته هنا؟ شارك لإظهار اهتمامك وإعلامنا من خلال التواصل مع فريق الدعم.

هل أنت جديد على ستوري شوتس؟ احصل على إصدارات PDF، والكتاب الصوتي، والنسخ المتحركة من هذا الملخص لـ الذكر الرشيد والمئات من الكتب غير الخيالية الأخرى الأكثر مبيعًا في تطبيق مجاني من الدرجة الأولى. وقد اختارته كل من Apple وThe Guardian وThe UN وGoogle كأحد أفضل تطبيقات القراءة والتعلم في العالم.

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