ملخص المحادثات الصعبة
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ملخص المحادثات الصعبة ومراجعتها | دوغلاس ستون وشيلا هين

How to Discuss What Matters Most

الحياة مشغولة لديها المحادثات الصعبة تجمع الغبار على رف كتبك؟ بدلاً من ذلك، تعلّم الأفكار الرئيسية الآن.

نحن نخدش السطح هنا. إذا لم يكن لديك الكتاب بالفعل، فاطلب كتاب أو احصل على كتاب صوتي مجاناً على أمازون لمعرفة التفاصيل المثيرة.


المحادثات الصعبة considers just how vital communication is across all parts of our life. Excellent communication is essential for formal negotiations but is also crucial for everyday interactions. Specifically, though, humans struggle with certain types of conversation. Subsequently, we avoid these difficult conversations even if they are essential for success. Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen use this book to shed light on why specific conversations are difficult. Plus, why humans tend to poorly deal with these conversations. The book suggests how we can utilize specific techniques to have more productive discussions.

Douglas Stone’s Perspective

Douglas Stone is a Managing Partner at Triad Consulting Group and a Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School, where he teaches negotiation. Through Triad, he consults with various organizations, including Fidelity, Honda, HP, IBM, and Microsoft. His articles on negotiation and conflict resolution have appeared in the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times.

بروس باتون‘s Perspective

بروس باتون collaborated with Roger Fisher to pioneer the teaching of negotiation at Harvard Law School. Bruce was the Thaddeus R. Beal Lecturer on Law for 15 years. He teaches the Negotiation Workshop and Advanced Negotiation Workshop at the Harvard Negotiation Institute. Plus, he works on the Program on Negotiation for Senior Executives.

Sheila Heen’s Perspective

Sheila Heen has been a Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School since 1995. She has spent the last twenty years with the Harvard Negotiation Project, developing negotiation theory and practice. Plus, Heen also teaches executive education programs at the Program on Negotiation. Heen is a Founder and CEO of Triad Consulting. Triad Consulting is a corporate education and consulting firm based in Harvard Square, serving clients on six continents. 


This book is based on the premise that we face difficult conversations daily. For example, apologizing to loved ones or telling your boss that you are looking for other jobs. Daily we have a decision to make: Do we avoid these difficult conversations, or do we tackle them head-on?

Various conversations can be considered difficult, and these will depend on the individual. Difficult conversations are not solely limited to common conversations about sexuality, race, gender, politics, and religion. They can be any conversation that makes us feel vulnerable, awkward, or uncomfortable. These are the conversations that we are likely to put off and leave for another time. For example, returning an item you recently bought can be a difficult conversation. 

Sort Out the Three Types of Conversation

In the first chapter of this book, the authors outline how each difficult conversation has three hidden conversations underpinning it. This concept is something that the authors noticed after studying hundreds of conversations. Importantly, they also identified that if people can understand the structure of their difficult conversations, they can make them more productive. 

Type 1 – The What Happened Conversation

These conversations relate to disagreements over what happened or what should have happened. This type of conversation can take many forms. For example, the conversation could consider: who said what, who did what, who’s right, who meant what, and who’s to blame. 

Type 2 – The Feelings Conversation

Additionally, every difficult conversation involves those involved wondering whether their feelings are valid. Should you be angry/upset? Is it reasonable if the other participant in the conversation does not acknowledge how you are feeling? Additionally, you might be wondering whether you have hurt the other participant’s feelings in the conversation. Emotions must be addressed in the conversation. 

Type 3 – The Identity Conversation

The identity conversation is the conversation we have with ourselves. This conversation covers what this situation means to you. With difficult conversations, we often second guess ourselves. We consider whether we are coming across as competent, kind, and lovable. These conversations involve questioning our identity. We worry these conversations will impact our self-image and our self-esteem.

Every conversation involves confronting all three types of conversation. Each of them underpins difficult conversations and, therefore, we must learn how to manage each type simultaneously. 

The Learning Conversation

Whether we like to admit it or not, starting a difficult conversation can often be motivated by selfish reasons. We want to prove a point, give somebody a telling off, or ask something of the other person. However, understanding the mistakes frequently made within the three difficult conversations should help you view them differently. You will start to appreciate the complexity of the perceptions and intentions you and your fellow conversation participant hold. By doing this, you will no longer be using difficult conversations to deliver a message based on yourself. Instead, you will be sharing information and asking questions. All in all, your conversation will be moving towards a conversation based on learning. This type of conversation will help you solve the issues surrounding the what happened conversation. 

You should not approach difficult conversations believing you are correct. Instead, engage in a learning conversation that involves accepting that each participant will bring different information and perceptions to the table. Each of us has essential information that we are unaware of. The goal of these difficult conversations should be to explore these differences productively. 

Improving the What Happened Conversation

The first tip provided by this book is to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. It is often easy to finish a difficult conversation confused about how irrational the other person is without considering their perspective. You must learn to accept that the other participant is a different person with different perspectives. Therefore, it is normal for them to have inconsistent conclusions. Differences in views are often due to differences in the information you have been exposed to. Therefore, you should avoid being offended by someone who disagrees with you and investigate whether the other person knows something you don’t yet know. 

Secondly, this book’s authors encourage their readers to avoid assuming the other person has ill intentions. They provide an example of when a friend comments on how tired you are. Instead of perceiving this as an insult, consider how your friend is looking out for your health and well-being. They care for you. In sum, don’t always assume the worst of the participants in your conversations. 

Finally, you need to stop blaming others. If the other participant misunderstands you in a heated conversation, it isn’t necessarily their fault. Identify each person’s contributions in the conversation and take responsibility for working through the situation together. Adopting this approach will allow you to come to an understanding.

Try to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Where did the miscommunication begin?
  • How did you both contribute to the mess?
  • What can you both do to move forward?

Improving the Feelings Conversation

Identify Your Emotional Footprint

Controlling our feelings and emotions during a difficult conversation is harder than it sounds. Our emotions are often uncontrollable. We also suppress our true feelings when we feel embarrassed or hurt. The learning conversation can help us address our feelings by acknowledging the importance of expressed and unexpressed emotions. However, this conversation requires specific skills. 

Firstly, you must address your own emotions during difficult conversations. Consider why you react the way you do within certain situations. For example, think about how you handled emotions as a child and whether this aligns with how you now handle difficult conversations. Plus, consider how those around you reacted to how you handled difficult conversations when you were younger. 

This process identifies your natural emotional footprint during difficult conversations. After this, it is essential to negotiate these emotions. Your perceptions and views underpin your emotions. Therefore, attempt to reconsider your perceptions within these difficult conversations. Rather than reacting automatically to difficult conversations, try to consider other perspectives. Even considering an alternative perspective can calm down your automatic emotional responses to a difficult conversation. 

Share Your Emotions

Finally, the authors recommend sharing your emotions. Your difficult conversations will remain unproductive if you are unwilling to share both the good and bad emotions associated with those conversations. Do not just state, “I am angry.” Instead, ask the other person why they find this conversation essential and provide a deeper reason for your emotions. Additionally, avoid accusatory exaggerations when explaining how the conversation makes you feel and why you feel this way. You do not want to be accusing the other person through claims of “you always” or “you never.” These statements are unfairly labeling the person. Instead, try to help the other person understand your viewpoint and your emotional reaction. Then, ask them how their viewpoint and emotional reaction differs, as well as why. 

Improving the Identity Conversation

Avoid Absolutes With Identity

When considering identity, it is easy for us to list a few terms that describe how we identify ourselves. The issue with identity conversations is when we only utilize absolutes. Often we perceive ourselves as either being loyal or a cheater, loving or hateful. Identities are never absolutes. Difficult conversations can quickly make us question our identity. Hence, as we identify through absolutes, we visualize difficult conversations as an attack on our self-image. For instance, perhaps you consider yourself as a loyal person. Imagine receiving an offer to work at a high-salaried competing firm in a more enjoyable role. Accepting this offer could lead to you becoming confused about your identity if you work in absolutes. Accepting the position would make you a disloyal person, right? Instead, you should challenge that thought. Consider how you have been loyal in the past and still been grossly underpaid in your job. Plus, you would be prioritizing more loyalty to your family by providing for them through a better-paid job. This example showcases how identity is not all or nothing. 

Mistakes are Inevitable

تقدم هذه الأمثلة دعمًا لفكرة الكتاب القائلة بأننا يجب أن نتوقف عن إضاعة وقتنا وطاقتنا في تحدي الآخرين الذين يشككون في هويتنا الذاتية. بدلا من ذلك، تقبل أنك سوف ترتكب الأخطاء. تقبل أن نواياك معقدة وأنك ربما ساهمت في صعوبة هذه المشكلة. سيساعدك القيام بذلك على قبول حقيقة أن المشاركين الآخرين يمكن أن يرتكبوا الأخطاء أيضًا. 

يشجع المؤلفون القراء على تذكير أنفسهم بأنهم لا يستطيعون التحكم في تصرفات شخص آخر. وبدلاً من ذلك، يمكنك فقط التحكم في الطريقة التي تتفاعل بها مع تصرفات الشخص. يمكنك أن تتخيل كيف قد يستجيب الشخص الآخر وكيف قد تشكك هذه الإجابات في هويتك. حاول أيضًا مراجعة المحادثة بشكل متوازن. من المحتمل أن تكون هذه المحادثة غير مهمة على المدى الطويل. لذلك، بدلاً من ذلك، استخدم هذه المحادثات للتعلم بدلاً من وضع كل أهميتك في مكان ما. 

وأخيرًا، يوصي الكتاب أحيانًا بأخذ استراحة من محادثة صعبة. من السهل أن تصاب بالإرهاق العاطفي أثناء المحادثات الصعبة، حيث غالبًا ما ترتبط هذه المحادثات بهويتك. إذا شعرت بالإرهاق، يجب عليك أن تطلب من المشارك الآخر بعض الوقت للتفكير فيما قاله. 

Tell the Third Story

عند بدء محادثة صعبة، يجب أن تتذكر ألا تبدأ أبدًا بالجانب الخاص بك من القصة. البدء بقصتنا يخاطر بتهديد الصورة الذاتية للشخص الآخر. بدلًا من سرد القصة من وجهة نظرك، ابدأ القصة بشرح الموقف من وجهة نظر مراقب محايد. تحدث بموضوعية عن الموقف. بعد الانتهاء من ذلك، يمكنك توجيه دعوة إلى الشخص الذي تريد إجراء محادثة معه. بهذه الطريقة، تبدأ المحادثة بفهم كيفية حل المشكلة. يسمح هذا الفهم ببدء المحادثة دون إصدار أحكام. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سيتم تأطير المحادثة كما لو كنت تعمل معًا لإيجاد حل. 

يجب أن تبدأ المحادثة بعد ذلك بالشرح لهم كيف تريد فهم وجهة نظرهم بشكل أفضل. حاول التأكيد على رغبتك في التوصل إلى اتفاق معًا. تريد مساعدتهم لجعل النتيجة مثمرة. 

وأخيرا، تأكد من أنك مثابر. من المحتمل أن تستمر النزعة الدفاعية في التسلل إلى المحادثة. كن منفتحًا على هذه الردود واسمح لهم بمشاركة مشاعرهم الدفاعية، ومن ثم يمكنك مشاركة مشاعرك. تأكد من الاستماع إلى إجابات الشخص الآخر، مما يدل على أنك تفهم ما يقوله.

Final Points and the Five Steps to Successful Difficult Conversations

Final Points

كبشر، غالبًا ما نخجل من المحادثات الصعبة. ومع ذلك، فهي بعض من أهم المحادثات. نحن بحاجة إلى التعامل مع هذه المحادثات بالطريقة الصحيحة لجعلها مثمرة. حاول تحويل كل محادثة إلى محادثة تعليمية. تقبل أن الآخرين سيكون لديهم وجهة نظر مختلفة. تذكر أن كل شخص لديه نقاط قوة ستساعد في جعل المحادثة مثمرة. تعرف على المشاعر التي تمر بها غالبًا أثناء المحادثات الصعبة، وفكر في سبب ذلك، وتعلم كيفية مشاركتها. إن مشاعر الشخص الآخر صحيحة تمامًا مثل مشاعرك. وأخيرًا، تذكر أن هويتك لا تعمل بشكل مطلق، ويمكن أن تتغير أيضًا. 

The Five Steps to Successful Difficult Conversations

قبل كل محادثة صعبة، تأكد من أن لديك النقاط التالية في الاعتبار:

  1. جهز نفسك للمحادثة من خلال النظر في الأحاديث الثلاثة لكلا الجانبين. لذا، فكر فيما حدث من وجهتي النظر. كن واضحًا فيما يتعلق بمشاعرك وثبت هويتك.
  2. قرر ما إذا كان الأمر يستحق إثارة المحادثة. ولكي تكون جديرة، يجب أن تكون مدعومة بأهداف جيدة. هذه هي التعلم والمشاركة وحل المشكلات. تجنب المحادثات الصعبة التي تهدف فقط إلى إلقاء اللوم على الآخرين والحكم عليهم.
  3. إذا قررت أن المحادثة تستحق المشاركة فيها، فتأكد من البدء بالقصة الثالثة. ابدأ المحادثة كمراقب محايد وانتقل إلى دعوتهم للانضمام إليك في حل المشكلة.
  4. استكشف قصصهم الثلاث، ثم قصتك. إذا خرجت المحادثة عن مسارها، فتأكد من إعادة صياغتها مرة أخرى إلى المسار الصحيح.
  5. حل المشكلة طوال المحادثة. حدد الأفكار التي يمكن أن تحل كلا الجانبين والطرق التي يمكن من خلالها المشاركة في المحادثات المستقبلية بشكل منتج.

PDF, Free Audiobook, and Animated Summary of Difficult Conversations

إذا كانت لديك ملاحظات حول هذا الملخص أو ترغب في مشاركة ما تعلمته، يرجى التعليق أدناه.

هل أنت جديد على ستوري شوتس؟ احصل على النسخ الصوتية والمتحركة من هذا الملخص ومئات الكتب الأخرى الأكثر مبيعاً من الكتب غير الخيالية في تطبيق مجاني من أفضل التطبيقات المجانية وقد اختارته كل من Apple وThe Guardian وThe UN وGoogle كأحد أفضل تطبيقات القراءة والتعلم في العالم.

للغوص في التفاصيل، اطلب كتاب أو احصل على الكتاب الصوتي مجاناً.

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