ملخص كتاب "طريق الرجل المتفوق" وإنفوجرافيك | ديفيد ديدا
دليل روحي للتغلب على تحديات المرأة والعمل والرغبة الجنسية
الحياة مشغولة لديها طريق الرجل المتفوق على قائمة القراءة الخاصة بك؟ تعرّف على الأفكار الرئيسية الآن.
نحن نخدش السطح في طريق الرجل المتفوق ملخص. إذا لم يكن لديك كتاب ديفيد ديدا الشهير حول المساعدة الذاتية وعلم النفس والعلاقات، اطلبها هنا أو احصل على الكتاب الصوتي مجاناً لمعرفة التفاصيل المثيرة
هل تشعر أنك تفشل في الوصول إلى إمكاناتك الشخصية والمهنية الكاملة؟ "طريق الرجل المتفوق"يهدف إلى إرشادك حول كيفية التنقل في الحب الحديث والحميمية والروحانية والعمل.
على الرغم مما قد يوحي به العنوان، فإن هذا الكتاب ليس مخصصًا للرجال فقط. مثل بقية أعمال ديدا، طريق الرجل المتفوق يهدف إلى مساعدة الأشخاص من جميع الأجناس والتوجهات الجنسية على تحقيق إمكاناتهم الكاملة. تُعرّف ديدا الرجل بأنه "شخص ذو طاقة ذكورية" والمرأة بأنها "شخص ذو طاقة أنثوية".
لا تحتاج إلى أن تكون رجلاً مفتول العضلات من كينغ كونغ أو "السيد" المخنث في العصر الحديث. "رجل لطيف" – على حد تعبير ديدا. بدلاً من ذلك، يمكنك أن تصبح رجلاً أفضل وأكثر تطورًا، أو شخصًا يتمتع بالطاقة الذكورية. تقبل طاقاتك الذكورية والأنثوية الداخلية، حتى تتمكن من تولي مسؤولية حياتك وتصبح شخصًا أفضل.
تفهم ديدا تطور النوع الاجتماعي كعملية من ثلاث مراحل. حتى وقت قريب إلى حد ما، كانت الأدوار الحديثة للرجال والنساء ثابتة ومنفصلة. ثم جاءت مرحلة سعى فيها الرجال والنساء إلى تحقيق التوازن بين طاقاتهم الذكورية والأنثوية الداخلية نحو 50/50. هذه هي المرحلة التي يمر بها معظمنا أو يعمل من أجلها. في المرحلة الثالثة والأخيرة، يقترح ديدا أننا نطمح الآن إلى احتضان كل من المذكر والمؤنث. ولكن الآن لا ينبغي لنا أن نتمسك بأي منهما. يجب علينا أيضًا قبول التباين والاستمتاع بالتوافق بين السمات الذكورية والأنثوية.
ينقسم الكتاب إلى ثلاثة أجزاء، يركز كل منها على جانب مختلف من "طريق" الرجل المتفوق. يناقش الجزء الأول أهمية عيش حياة ذات هدف ومعنى. تتعلم الأدوات والتقنيات للعثور على هدفك الحقيقي في الحياة. الجزء الثاني يركز على العلاقات. ويغطي موضوعات مثل التواصل والعلاقة الحميمة والتنقل في توازن الطاقات الذكورية والأنثوية في العلاقات. يناقش الجزء الأخير أهمية النمو الروحي ويقدم إرشادات لتطوير الممارسة الروحية.
نبذة عن ديفيد ديدا
ديفيد ديدا هو المعلم الروحي الشهير والمؤلف الأكثر مبيعا. وهو يدعي أنه قد حول النمو الروحي والجنسي للرجال والنساء في جميع أنحاء العالم. كتب ديدا 10 كتب طوال حياته، نُشرت جميعها في 25 لغة. العديد من مقالاته ومقالاته وأشرطةه الصوتية وكتبه مطلوبة للقراءة في الجامعات والمراكز الروحية والمجموعات الرجالية والنسائية في جميع أنحاء العالم.
تشمل كتب ديدا الشهيرة طريق الرجل المتفوق, العثور على الله من خلال الجنس, الحقيقة الزرقاء، ورواية السيرة الذاتية عن التدريب الروحي غير التقليدي، الليالي البرية.
أدرجت مجلة واتكينز ديدا ضمن أكثر الأشخاص تأثيرًا روحانيًا في العالم كل عام منذ عام 2011.
Deida has designed and developed an amazingly effective program of transformative practices that address spiritual awakening in the mind, body, and heart. He has taught and conducted research at UC San Diego Medical School, University of California, Santa Cruz, San Jose State University, Lexington Institute, and Paris Polytechnique. He is also a founding associate of the Integral Institute.
StoryShot #1: تعلم طريقة الرجل
A man (or someone with masculine energy) traditionally lives their life in a certain way. As you might have deduced, this way is very different from a woman’s way (someone with feminine energy).
However, you need to forgo some of the traditional aspects of living “like a man.” They hold you back from living fully and reaching your potential. Let’s look at some of the key changes that Deida suggests you should make.
تقبل جانبك الأنثوي
If you have masculine energy, also accept your more feminine side. Living with an open heart is good and welcoming, despite the possibility of getting hurt. Throw aside the idea of “boys don’t cry.” Instead, accept your emotions, and let them out when needed. By accepting your emotions, you also learn how to live life with love. You should live life the way you should make love – to magnify love, openness, and depth.
حدد غرضك
Living life to your potential goes one step further. You need to accept who you are, by knowing what your “why” is. Once you’ve established your true purpose, hold onto it. Do everything in your power to achieve your purpose. If necessary, restructure your life around your “why”. Shift your life around your purpose, rather than shifting your purpose around your life.
Live up to your potential, not below it.
توقف عن الأمل في إكمال أي شيء في الحياة
Most men think they will be able to fix their issues with women. Don’t let yourself become preoccupied and overwhelmed with relationship issues. Don’t let them hold you back. Your challenge is to interact, engage, and show love to the present moment while giving your own unique gifts.
Instead of waiting for the perfect time, spend at least one hour a day doing what you love now. Do this in spite of having to fulfill your daily duties that seem to limit your time. You probably find that your own excuses prevent you from being creative and giving to your fullest.
Accept that life is ongoing and that things never end. Instead of hoping to complete anything in life, live in the moment. Accept that there will always be new challenges to face and overcome.
If a relationship truly is unacceptable, then leave. If it is simply distasteful, remember that it will always appear this way. Stop trying to change the things you don’t like about her. Instead of trying to fix your woman, show her love. Learn to laugh during the never-ending issues. Accept that it is always going to be a challenge.
عش كما لو كان والدك ميتا
Deida encourages you to live as if your father were dead. By this, he means do not live in anyone’s shadow. You are your own person, with your own “why” and “edge”.
While you’re living your life to your full potential, you should also remember to accept criticism. Deida explains that it’s in a woman’s nature to be hurt by it, but a man should take it in his stride.
اعرف مميزاتك الحقيقية ولا تزيفها
You need to admit your fears and resistance. It is not honorable to pretend to be more enlightened than you are or to stop short of your true edge. Consider how your fears are preventing you from making a greater impact, earning more money, or using more creative methods to make money.
Some men try to avoid feeling fear. They lead a safe but unfulfilling life. You must recognize your edge and choices. Be honest with yourself and others about them, and confront your fear.
لا تفعل الأشياء فقط لإرضاء المرأة
If a woman changes your perspective, make a new decision based on that. Always listen to your woman, but make your own decisions. If you go against your wisdom and adopt her suggestion, that weakens you and reduces her trust in you. If you listen to her and make your own best decision, it shows that you are acting from your core.
يجب أن يأتي هدفك قبل علاقتك
Identify your highest purpose in life. Align your life to that purpose, rather than sacrificing it for a relationship. If you are unaware of your mission, your core will be unsatisfied and your presence with your partner will suffer. Express your love for your woman, but emphasize that your mission must come first. Don’t postpone your mission to spend time with your woman. Instead, focus on your own tasks, and make sure the time you do spend with her is quality time. Give your woman 30 minutes of undivided attention and love instead of a few hours of your weak and divided presence.
لا تضيع في المهام والواجبات
Refresh your life with meditation and retreats. Always be present in the tasks you do. If you were to die now, would your last moment be one of gratitude or love? Ask yourself this question often.
Relax into the mystery of life and ensure that your tasks are liberating and supporting your life.
StoryShot #2: تعلم كيفية التعامل مع النساء
Of course, you cannot live life without taking into consideration the aspect of a partner. Whether it’s a woman or a partner with feminine energy, طريق الرجل المتفوق gives insight on how to deal with them.
Deida argues that your purpose should come before any relationship, even romantic ones. By placing your purpose below your relationship, you “cheat your woman of an authentic man.” Stop hoping your woman or partner will become easier to deal with. A challenging partner is a good partner. They will encourage you to reach your full potential.
This does come with a caveat. Love your woman wholly and accept her challenges, but tolerating her “moods” is never good. Tolerating these leads to resentment later.
To love your woman wholly, remember a few simple things:
- Women aren’t liars. Understand that their truth is based on their emotions at that moment. This can be challenging.
- Don’t analyze your woman. The feminine’s moods and opinions are like weather patterns. Accept that they are inconsistent, and that stormy weather passes eventually.
- Praise her. Feminine partners grow with praise. Conversely, people with masculine energy thrive when challenged.
- Don’t suggest that a woman fix her own emotional problem. Like the ocean, women can be pure energy and motion and “flow in every direction” without analyzing all the options. Deida claims that unlike men, women will never “fix” anything by analyzing the “problem.” One of the deepest feminine desires in intimacy is to “relax and surrender, knowing that her man is taking care of everything.” Create an environment in which she is allowed to be her true self. Let her prioritize love over purpose and decision-making. This will unleash her energy, and her happiness will overflow.
- Stay with her intensity to a point. To truly honor a woman’s emotions, a man needs to be strong, present, and loving. Recognize that the energy of the feminine core is meant to be expressed and respected, not fixed or contained.
- Don’t force the feminine to decide. When your woman asks you for your input, don’t say, “Whatever you want to do is fine with me.”
StoryShot #3: العمل مع القطبية والطاقة
To reach your highest self, you need to consider the polarities and energies of the feminine person you want in your life. Deida argues in essence that opposites attract.
Choose a partner wisely. Deida suggests that love is a very simple equation. There is an attraction dynamic between masculine and feminine people. Therefore, it’s important to choose someone who is your complimentary opposite.
To work with the polarity and energy between masculine and feminine components, you must recognize the following:
- Your attraction to the feminine is inevitable. If you’re a masculine person, you need to accept that you will find more feminine people attractive. And vice versa. Allow this attraction to flourish. A man must accept and embrace his own natural attraction to feminine energy. It can fill him with delight, even if the woman is not physically attractive.
- Choose a woman who is your complimentary opposite. If a man is very masculine by nature, he will be attracted to a very feminine woman. If a man is more feminine by nature, he will be attracted to a more masculine woman.
- Know what is important in your woman. The feminine is the force of life. The more masculine a man is, the more important his woman’s feminine energy will be to him. Functional roles in life are important. But they must not replace the spiritual and sexual energy necessary to keep the relationship vibrant and fulfilling.
- You will often want more than one woman. Any man with a masculine sexual essence will desire sexual variety, but acting on such desires often creates more trouble than it’s worth.
- Each woman has a “temperature” that can heal or irritate you. Some women are hotter, some are cooler. Your needs for different temperatures of feminine energy may change over time, so understand how they affect you.
StoryShot #4: اعرف ما تريده النساء حقًا
Deida claims to understand the deep needs of women. He thinks these needs are very different from what women say they want. At the heart of his belief is the idea that masculine and feminine people have different “languages.” Instead of trying to dissect these languages, Deida advises us to understand the true meaning beneath.
شكواها خالية من المحتوى
Regardless of their complaint or mood, women always want divine masculine presence in a man.
Their complaints should be heard as warning bells. However, men should not believe the literal content of their complaints. The main difference in language revolves around your feminine partner’s complaints. Their complaints are “content-free”, meaning they’re indicators of mood, rather than truth. See the “outbursts” and differences as tests. Respond with love.
إنها لا تريد حقًا أن تكون رقم واحد
Despite her requests, a woman doesn’t want to be your first priority. Women, and people with feminine energy, desire a partner who takes the lead and places their purpose above all else. This way they can achieve what they truly desire – relaxation – while you take the lead in all aspects.
سجلك الممتاز لا معنى له بالنسبة لها
The feminine responds to the energy of the moment, forgetting the man’s history of past behavior. To enable a woman to relax into her feminine energy, a man must take charge. He must also be financially and spiritually stable, and show certainty and direction in his life.
إنها تريد الاسترخاء في عرض اتجاهك
The more relaxed your woman is in her feminine, the more radiant she will be. You must relieve her of the necessity to be in charge in all aspects of life.
A man must be financially and spiritually stable for his woman to feel secure and relaxed. He must also show accountability and certainty. A man should strive to create an environment in which his woman can trust him and relax into her feminine energy.
StoryShot #5: احتضن جانبك المظلم
Everyone has a dark side. In your quest to become your true self, it’s important not to lose track of it. Instead, embrace it. Your dark side is highly desirable to women.
If you don’t own this darkness within you, you eventually weaken your masculine capacity. This, in turn, reduces your ability to face the unknown and love your partner effectively. Let’s explore Deida’s conclusions about your dark side.
أنت تبحث دائمًا عن الحرية
Masculine freedom is held back by the fear of death. A masculine man must be willing to confront death in order to experience true spiritual freedom. A feminine woman seeks to be filled with love and avoid emptiness.
If a man disowns his dark masculine desire for freedom, he weakens his masculine capacity to face the unknown and to love. When you cannot express your dark passions with love, they go underground in your psyche. You fantasize about controlling and dominating women in unloving ways.
For a man to be able to fully ravish a woman and experience spiritual freedom, he must be willing to confront his own fear of death. He must also yield to the worship and trust of her heart.
إنها تريد "القاتل" بداخلك
If you hear strange noises downstairs in the kitchen and ask your woman to go check it out, she will not become excited by your masculine valiancy. She wants to feel that you are capable of facing death, if necessary.
إنها تحتاج إلى وعيك ليتناسب مع طاقتها
A man must be able to meet his woman with consciousness equivalent to her energy. You should neither avoid nor overexpress any areas of your masculine capacity.
Your woman will test your capacity to transform her anger into passion and learn to tolerate her tension. Ultimately, her challenges will help you understand how to embody fearlessness and strength of love. Your woman knows your weaknesses. She will continue to test you until your consciousness is unperturbed and she can feel the full power of your love.
StoryShot #6: فهم الجاذبية الأنثوية
طريق الرجل المتفوق goes into detail about what makes the feminine so attractive to the masculine:
- The feminine is abundant. There will always be an abundance of feminine energy in women. But some women resist receiving, trusting, and embracing their femininity. Deida encourages everyone to embrace their feminine energies, as life itself is feminine.
- Allow older women their magic. Younger women express the kind of feminine energy that men desire. But do not overlook the feminine attractiveness of older women. Older women are wise and powerful and should be encouraged to express their “magic.”
- Turn your lust into gifts. When a man sees a beautiful woman, he should breathe fully and circulate his heightened energy throughout his body. He should treat it as a gift which could heal and rejuvenate his body, and, through his service, heal the world. If you are like most men, your sexual energy goes to your head and genitals. A superior man circulates his energy throughout his body.
- Never allow your desire to become suppressed or depolarized. If a man denies his desire for the feminine, it is a sign of his depolarization toward the world. A woman will feel his rejection and become angry and destructive. Act on your desires and attraction to women or feminine people, rather than bottling them up. However, when acting on these desires, you need to understand that her appearance is only one part of her attractiveness.
A good woman is a source of inspiration and attraction into the world for a man. But never forget that neither the world nor your woman is the purpose of your existence.
StoryShot #7: تحسين ممارسات الجسم
Because the sexual aspect of relationships is important, learn how you can be better at it. Deida claims that conscious body practices can improve your sex life and help you meet your partner’s needs.
يجب تحويل عملية القذف أو اختيارها بوعي
Convert your ejaculation into non-ejaculatory, whole-body, brain, and heart orgasms. There are many physical and spiritual reasons to do this, but there are also relational reasons. When a man ejaculates easily, he creates ongoing distrust in his woman. If you don’t control your ejaculations, you can’t and won’t meet your partner’s needs.
تنفس أسفل الجبهة
Breathe calmly, with feeling and intent. This forces you to keep your body open, freeing attention from neurotic self-concern.
How does this help with the physical aspect of a relationship? Deida explains that through this breathing technique, you can “convert” your ejaculation. Breathing this way contracts your pelvic floor, drawing energy up the spine. The resulting orgasm is rejuvenating and transformative.
القذف حتى العمود الفقري
Most men ejaculate to release stress. But the superior man’s orgasm explodes up his spine and into his brain, raining down through his body like an ambrosial bliss of rejuvenation.
When men begin to have sex, they repeat the same sequence they learned while masturbating, involving genital stimulation, mental fantasy, building up tension, and ejaculating. To realize the full potential of sex, try the following:
- Undo habits learned while masturbating as a teenager. Take control of your ejaculation by practicing relaxation.
- Redirect your attention. Focus on your partner’s sensations rather than your own. Practice deep breathing and pelvic floor exercises to redirect ejaculatory energy.
- Surrender to love during sexual embrace.
- Practice feeling through and beyond sensation, to relax and fill your whole body.
- Circulate energy healthily to rejuvenate and remove edges.
StoryShot #8: تعرف على يوجا العلاقة الحميمة للرجال والنساء
Deida’s “yoga intimacy” details the last set of instructions to becoming a superior man. You’re encouraged to understand your own and your partner’s needs and desires. These are different, based on your energies.
تأخذ في الاعتبار عدم التماثل الأساسي
The more masculine energy a person has, the more important their mission in life is to them. But the more feminine a person is, the more important and intimate a relationship is to them. To have a successful relationship, both partners need to accept this primary asymmetry.
Because of this asymmetry, each partner’s role is different in a relationship. A man is responsible for a woman’s mood, openness to her femininity, and depth of love. A woman is responsible for her partner’s bodily energy. Deida believes that the direction and growth of a relationship solely land on the man’s shoulders.
Insist on practice and growth, both for yourself and for your partner. Inspire your partner to walk the road that best serves her growth and happiness, too.
استعد هدفك في العزلة ومع الرجال الآخرين
A man rediscovers his purpose in solitude, in challenging situations and in company with other men. Women strengthen their feminine radiance in mutual celebration and play. It is important for men and women to arrange for their own restoration.
If you’re struggling with your purpose, surround yourself with like-minded people. As well as tending to the traditional male need for solitude, embrace your femininity through socializing. Women flourish when in the company of like-minded women. Seek out friends who have the same goals as you.
ممارسة الذوبان
A man’s greatest desire is to be released. In all aspects of your life, release yourself without fear. Embrace every moment of experience as a lover and trust whatever direction love moves you.
الملخص النهائي والمراجعة
طريق الرجل المتفوق هو كتاب مساعدة ذاتية مثير للتفكير للرجال وذوي الطاقات الذكورية السائدة. إنه يقدم وجهة نظر فريدة حول الرجولة ويشجع القراء على احتضان ما يقول ديدا إنه طبيعتهم الحقيقية كرجال، بدلاً من محاولة التوافق مع التوقعات المجتمعية أو توقعات الآخرين.
إحدى نقاط قوة الكتاب هي تركيزه على عيش حياة ذات هدف ومعنى. تشجعك ديدا على استكشاف عواطفك وإيجاد هدف حقيقي في الحياة. هذه رسالة مهمة، حيث يكافح العديد من الرجال للعثور على الاتجاه والمعنى في حياتهم.
يقدم الكتاب أيضًا نصائح حول العلاقات، ويغطي موضوعات التواصل والحميمية وتوازن الطاقات الذكورية والأنثوية.
يقدم Deida إرشادات لتطوير الممارسة الروحية ويشجعك على البحث عن فهم أعمق لنفسك وللعالم من حولك.
نحن نقيم طريق الرجل المتفوق 4.1/5.
ما هو تقييمك لكتاب ديفيد ديدا؟
احصل على الرسم البياني عالي الجودة هنا.
ملاحظة المحرر
هذه القطعة عبارة عن ملخص وتحليل غير رسمي. تم نشره لأول مرة في عام 2021. وتم تحديثه وإعادة كتابته في 18 مارس 2023.
طريق الرجل المتفوق PDF، كتاب مسموع مجاني، وملخص كتاب الرسوم المتحركة
وكان هذا غيض من فيض. للتعمق في التفاصيل ودعم ديفيد ديدا، اطلبها هنا أو احصل على الكتاب الصوتي مجاناً.
هل أعجبك ما تعلمته هنا؟ شارك لإظهار اهتمامك وإعلامنا من خلال التواصل مع فريق الدعم.
هل أنت جديد على ستوري شوتس؟ احصل على إصدارات PDF، والكتاب الصوتي، والنسخ المتحركة من هذا الملخص لـ طريق الأم المتفوقةن ومئات من الكتب غير الخيالية الأكثر مبيعًا في موقعنا تطبيق مجاني من الدرجة الأولى. وقد اختارته كل من Apple وThe Guardian وThe UN وGoogle كأحد أفضل تطبيقات القراءة والتعلم في العالم.
ملخصات الكتب ذات الصلة
- لغات الحب الخمس بقلم غاري تشابمان
- النماذج بقلم مارك مانسون
- ابدأ بـ لماذا بقلم سيمون سينك
- الرجال من المريخ والنساء من الزهرة بقلم جون غراي
- كاماسوترا بواسطة فاتسيايانا
- لا مزيد من السيد اللطيف بقلم روبرت جلوفر
- لماذا يحب الرجال العاهرات بقلم شيري أرجوف
- مرفق بقلم أمير ليفين وراشيل هيلر
- بحث الإنسان عن المعنى بقلم فيكتور إ. فرانكل
- تصرفي كسيدة وفكري كرجل ستيف هارفي
- احصل على الرجل بقلم ماثيو هوسي
- ألفا غير موصول بواسطة ريتشارد كوبر
- التزاوج في الأسر بقلم إستر بيريل
- كيف تتحدث مع أي شخص بقلم ليل لوندس
- فن الإغواء بقلم روبرت جرين
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