ملخص التعلم الفائق
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ملخص التعليم الفائق والمراجعة والمبادئ | سكوت يونغ

Accelerate Your Career, Master Hard Skills and Outsmart the Competition

الحياة مشغولة لديها التعلم الفائق by Scott H. Young been gathering dust on your bookshelf? Instead, pick up the key ideas now.

نحن نخدش السطح هنا. إذا لم يكن لديك الكتاب بالفعل، فاطلبه هنا أو احصل على كتاب صوتي مجاناً على أمازون لمعرفة التفاصيل المثيرة.

Scott H. Young’s Perspective

Scott Young is a writer and business owner. In 2012, he led his own self-directed education project, where he learned to code in one year. Impressively, he was then able to pass final exams that MIT computer science graduates must pass at the end of their four-year degree programs. Scott Young used open-source computer science lectures available online, along with his own self-organized learning activities and exercises to achieve this. His TEDx talk about his learning approach has been viewed more than half a million times. To further refine his learning methodology, Scott learned four languages in twelve months. He is a graduate of the University of Manitoba and Montpellier Business School.


التعلم الفائق is a strategy for aggressive, self-directed learning. Self-directed means you can take back control, rather than wait to pay for expensive tuition and tutors. Aggressive means that instead of spending years at something without getting great, your limited time and effort are always directed towards what works.

Free Animated Book Summary of Ultralearning by Scott Young

StoryShot #1: Ultralearners Are Quick Learners

المتعلمون الفائقون هم الأشخاص الذين يمكنهم التعلم واكتساب مهارات جديدة في إطار زمني قصير. يجب أن يكون هؤلاء الأشخاص عدوانيين واستراتيجيين في أساليب التعلم الخاصة بهم. مثال على ذلك هو إريك بارون. كان إريك أحد رواد المسرح الذي قرر إنشاء لعبة كمبيوتر خاصة به. لقد كان خريجًا حديثًا في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات وكان عليه التنافس مع الشركات الضخمة ذات الميزانيات الضخمة. ومع ذلك، قام بارون بتحسين آلياته على مدى خمس سنوات من خلال اعتماد نهج صارم للتجربة والتحسين. في النهاية، أصدر بارون Stardew Valley. باعت اللعبة أكثر من ثلاثة ملايين نسخة في عام إصدارها 2016. وقد وضعه معدل المبيعات الضخم هذا ضمن قائمة فوربس لأفضل 30 شخصًا تحت 30 عامًا. لذلك، يمكن أن يساعدك التعلم الفائق على البقاء قادرًا على المنافسة في العالم المهني. 

StoryShot #2: Develop an Optimal Learning Strategy

Meta-learning should always be the start of your ultralearning journey. Meta-learning is the process of learning how to learn effectively. To start implementing meta-learning, you must first establish how information is structured in your chosen field. This means you should avoid just absorbing random information.

Meta-learning requires you to look at the big picture and develop an optimal learning strategy. Scott Young offers three approaches to help you identify your optimal learning strategy:

1. Create a Metalearning Map

The first action Young recommends is creating a meta-learning map. These maps should break your topic down into three categories: concepts, facts, and procedures. Concepts relate to what you need to understand. Facts relate to what needs to be memorized. Finally, procedures relate to what needs to be done. You must appreciate that not all skills will require all three procedures. For example, Young highlights that learning a basketball shot will require you to focus on the procedure almost entirely. Once you have considered each of the categories, you should focus on the most relevant category.

2. Use the Map to Identify Challenges

After establishing your meta-learning map, you must identify which aspects of learning might prove challenging. After noting these challenges, you should brainstorm techniques to overcome them. These techniques often require you to engage with a specialist activity, like spaced repetition, if you have to remember lots of information.

3. Establishing How You Are Going to Learn

The best way to establish how you will learn is by researching others who have already acquired a similar skill. Their approach can be used as a benchmark. You can then replicate their methods and techniques with your own unique twist. 

StoryShot #3: Identify a Clear Focus

إن شحذ سكينك هو تشبيه يونج لتحسين تركيزك. إحدى الطرق الحديثة الأكثر فعالية لشحذ سكينك هي إزالة الإغراءات الإلكترونية. على سبيل المثال، قم بإيقاف تشغيل إشعارات البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بك وتوقف عن مشاهدة Netflix.

The first challenge to refining your focus will always be getting focused in the first place. The author suggests tricking your brain into thinking you are focused. Set a timer and promise yourself that you can stop working when the timer goes off. You may find that you have built the momentum to continue working by the end of these three minutes. The Pomodoro technique is potentially the most effective way to use timers like this. With this technique, you need to set a timer for 20 minutes. After these 20 minutes, you can take a five-minute break. After the break, set another timer for 20 minutes and repeat.

After using these techniques to develop focus, you must learn how to sustain your focus. The issue with building momentum while working is that you may fall into autopilot. Autopilot tricks you into thinking you are productive, but in reality, you have lost your focus. The best way to tackle autopilot is to use interleaving. Interleaving is the act of breaking a project into several short and regularly-spaced sessions.

Finally, monitor your attention and arousal levels and decide on which task to tackle based on these levels. For example, if you feel intense with a narrow focus, you should choose a repetitive task. Conversely, if you are relaxed with a wide-ranging focus, you should choose a creative task.

StoryShot #4: Learning Helps Make Your Journey More Direct

Formal education provides knowledge related to an indirect path between your learning context and the target environment. For example, we learn French in a classroom, rather than asking a French person for directions. So, it is unsurprising that we struggle to apply our French schooling in the real world. Scott Young recommends making the path between your learning experience and application experience as direct as possible.

To hone your directness, you need to start learning things by doing. Young also calls this approach project-based learning. Situating your learning directly in your target environment means you skip the challenge of transferring your skills. Arguably, the most effective way to adopt project-based learning is immersive learning—for example, a French student spending a year working in France. The author admits that some skills are unsafe to immersively learn, like flying a plane. But you can engage in a similar environment to an immersive environment through simulations.

StoryShot #5: The Direct-Then-Drill Approach

Elite athletes, piano prodigies, and successful ultralearners all perfect their techniques to maintain their competitive edge. Start practicing a skill by adopting what Young calls the direct-then-drill approach. Start with a direct approach to your skills, so you can identify the areas you need to hone in on. Then, drill through the skills you need to hone and return to direct practice until you notice more skills that need drilling.

To optimize your drilling, apply yourself to a rate-determining step. These steps are part of the process that precipitates a chain reaction. So, in ultralearning, this is the step that unlocks the next level of knowledge. Identify these steps and then adopt one of the following approaches: Firstly, you can time-slice by isolating one step and repeating it until perfection. But you can only adopt this approach if you can easily isolate a step from the entire process. If you cannot, you can always separate a skill into cognitive components and time-slice them. Alternatively, you can use the copycat method. Choose an idol who excels in the area you want to improve and emulate their approaches.

StoryShot #6: Improve Retrieval Rates Through Testing

Testing yourself is often an effective way to improve your ability to retrieve a skill. Young offers two methods to improve retrieval rates. Firstly, you can review your learning materials. Specifically, go back over the materials you used when you first studied this topic. The alternative to recall facts and concepts from memory is significantly more effective. Young cites a 2011 study from Purdue University that found recall is far more effective for long-term learning retention. Despite this, most learners fall back on reviewing old material.

The issue with reviewing is also the same reason it is such a popular technique. When we review content, we often understand and recognize the content. So, we assume we have learned that concept. This is a passive approach to learning and is a faulty judgment of learning. Although the recall is often more difficult, this struggle in the short term helps you remember in the long term. Retrieval offers a desirable level of difficulty. 

The following are retrieval approaches you can use to improve your learning:

  1. Test yourself or challenge yourself to write down everything you can remember. 
  2. Avoid taking notes while reading. Instead, pose questions that will prompt you to retrieve the information.
  3. Set yourself a task that will test everything you have learned.

StoryShot #7: Outcome, Informational and Corrective Feedback

Even if you believe you excel in a field, you still need to accept feedback to continue progressing and improving. Almost all feedback is valuable, but some feedback is more helpful than others. Firstly, Young considers outcome feedback. This is the most basic form of feedback and involves determining whether you have reached your desired outcome. This type of feedback can be encouraging but often lacks enough information to make meaningful changes. 

The next type of feedback is informational feedback. Informational feedback involves highlighting problem areas and isolating mistakes based on the moment you receive the feedback. For example, when an audience member walks out of your speech.

The final and most effective form of feedback is corrective feedback. This type of feedback tells you precisely what you are doing wrong and how to rectify it moving forward. When obtaining feedback, you should accept all feedback. But you should always prioritize corrective feedback, then informational feedback, and finally, outcome feedback.

StoryShot #8: Avoid Cramming Information

Young offers a remarkable example of how impactful retention can be. In 2015, Nigel Richards won the World French Scrabble Championships. The remarkable thing is he did not speak French. Despite the 386,000 French words approved by Scrabble, Richards could win by committing these words to memory. This is a perfect example of ultralearning.

To become highly effective, you will need to commit important information to memory. That said, do not commit things to memory in one burst. Instead, avoid cramming and space out your memorization sessions so you can remember the information long-term. So, make time a few days per week to memorize the information. 

Spaced repetition is potentially the most effective technique to learn information. Test your knowledge of discrete chunks of information in a randomized way. If you can easily remember a topic, you can push it further back in your revision schedule. On the other hand, you should revise the topic you have difficulty with sooner. Attempting to retain information while it is difficult will create stronger long-term memories. 

StoryShot #9: Knowledge Supplies Intuition

Having a deep understanding of a topic enables you to develop intuitions filled with connections and patterns. If you can accelerate your knowledge of a topic, you can become highly impactful through your intuition. Young provides several ways to speed up your acquisition of the knowledge required to intuit:

  1. Ask stupid questions because they will allow you to build the strong foundation required to develop intuition.
  2. ادفع نفسك إلى تجارب التعلم الصعبة التي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى فهم أعمق للموضوع. لذا، لا تهرب أبدًا من التحديات أو تتخذ الطرق المختصرة. اختر دائمًا الحل الأكثر شمولاً للمشكلة. 
  3. لا تستسلم عندما تصبح الأمور صعبة. بدلًا من ذلك، استخدم مؤقتًا للنضال حيث تخبر نفسك أنه يتعين عليك محاولة التغلب على التحدي لفترة محددة.
  4. وأخيرا، حاول تطوير فهمك لموضوعك. يجب عليك أيضًا تطوير مستوى من الفهم يسمح لك بالتشكيك في المفاهيم والنظريات الشائعة.

StoryShot #10: Experimentation Is What Makes You a Genius

يستخدم يونغ فنسنت فان جوخ كمثال لهذا المبدأ النهائي. كان فان جوخ من المتسربين من مدرسة الفنون، وكان يوصف باستمرار بأنه رسام عادي. ويعتبر اليوم واحدًا من أعظم الفنانين الذين عاشوا على الإطلاق. لقد حقق هذا النجاح من خلال التجارب المستمرة. تغير أسلوبه الفني المميز بشكل كبير منذ سنواته الأولى. لم يصطدم على الفور بجماليته المميزة. لذلك، يصف يونج التجريب بأنه العنصر السري للتعلم الفائق.

الطريقة الأولى التي يمكنك اعتمادها للتجربة هي النسخ ثم الإنشاء. قم بمحاكاة عمل شخص آخر، ثم استخدم هذا لاختبار أفكارك الخاصة. إحدى الطرق لتحسين كفاءة تجربتك هي وضع حدود لإبداعك. إن العمل ضمن حدود صارمة قد يجبرك على تجربة عملية لم تقم بها عادةً. 

الملخص النهائي ومراجعة التعلم الفائق

أولترالتعلم يسلط الضوء على عدة طرق لجعل عمليات التعلم الخاصة بك أكثر كفاءة. المفتاح هو تطوير قاعدة معرفية متينة من خلال فترات قصيرة متعددة لاكتساب المعرفة. وينبغي بعد ذلك دعم ذلك من خلال قبول التعليقات المفيدة ورفض التعليقات غير القيمة. من خلال التجربة والحدس، يمكنك أن تصبح متعلمًا عالي الكفاءة. 


نقيم هذا الكتاب 4.4/5.


Ultralearning PDF وInfographic وكتاب مسموع مجاني وملخص فيديو متحرك

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ملخصات الكتب ذات الصلة

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البساطة الرقمية بواسطة كال نيوبورت

فن التعلم بقلم جوشوا ويتزكين

الإتقان بقلم روبرت جرين

الطاهي لمدة 4 ساعات بقلم تيم فيريس

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العادات الذرية بقلم جيمس كلير

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