ملخص كل شيء فاشل

ملخص واقتباسات من كتاب "كل شيء هالك" لمارك مانسون

A Book About Hope

الحياة مشغولة لديها كل شيء فاشل على قائمة القراءة الخاصة بك؟ تعرّف على الأفكار الرئيسية الآن.

We’re scratching the surface here. If you don’t already have Mark Manson’s popular book on self-help and psychology, order it هنا أو احصل على الكتاب الصوتي مجاناً على أمازون لمعرفة التفاصيل المثيرة.


كل شيء فاشل explores the idea that, despite all the chaos and suffering in our world, there is still hope for humanity to move forward. Through his unique perspective on life and its challenges, Manson encourages readers to find optimism amidst adversity. He argues that finding hope requires us to face our fears head-on and accept what we cannot change while working towards making positive changes where possible. 

This book offers an insightful exploration of how we can create a more hopeful future for ourselves and those around us through resilience, courage, self-awareness, honesty with oneself about one’s limitations as well as accepting responsibility for one’s actions. 

Manson draws upon personal experiences from his own life journey along with anecdotes from other people he has met during his travels across continents in order to illustrate how individuals have been able to overcome difficult situations despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds at times. He also provides practical advice on topics such as mental health, relationships, career paths etc., which help readers gain insight into their own lives, so they can make meaningful changes when needed.  

About Mark Manson

Mark Manson is a popular blogger, entrepreneur, and self-help author. He is best known for his blog, MarkManson.net, which focuses on personal development, relationships, and other aspects of the human experience. In addition to his blog, Manson is the author of several books, including “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck,” “Everything is Fcked,” and “Models: Attract Women Through Honesty.” His work has been featured in a variety of media outlets, including Forbes, Business Insider, and Time Magazine. Manson’s writing style is known for its honesty, humor, and no-nonsense approach to personal development and relationships.

StoryShot #1: Hope Is a Risk

Hope is what makes us happy and it’s what makes us progress forward. In the first part of “كل شيء فاشل,” Mark Manson explores the concept of hope and its role in the human experience. He argues that hope is a risky and complex emotion, and that it can be both a blessing and a curse.

Manson begins by discussing the nature of hope and its relationship to suffering and despair. He argues that hope is often rooted in a desire to escape or avoid suffering, and that it is often fueled by the belief that something better is possible. However, he also notes that hope can be fragile and elusive, and that it is often accompanied by fear and uncertainty.

What is the opposite of happiness? Sadness or anger?

Hopelessness is the root cause of depression mental illness and anxiety. The avoidance of hopelessness is one of our consistent missions in life. It’s what steers our life in certain directions.

Hope is something greater than ourselves; without hope, we believe we are nothing, irrelevant and not important. We all strive for a sense of importance, we strive to avoid what Mark Manson calls “The uncomfortable truth” 

StoryShots #2: Hope Is a Story

Mark Manson discusses the role that stories play in shaping our beliefs, values, and sense of hope. Manson begins by examining how stories shape our understanding of the world and our place in it. He argues that we all have stories we tell ourselves about who we are, what we want, and what the world is like. These stories shape our beliefs, values, and goals, and they often serve as the foundation for our sense of hope and purpose.

However, Manson also notes that our stories can be limiting and problematic, especially when they are based on false or unrealistic assumptions. He discusses how our stories can hold us back and prevent us from seeing the world as it is, and he offers strategies for questioning and challenging our stories to find more hope and meaning in life.

Overall, the second chapter of “Everything Is F*cked” explores the complex and multifaceted role that stories play in shaping our sense of hope and purpose, and it offers strategies for questioning and challenging our stories to find more meaning and happiness in life.

StoryShot #3: Hope Is a Promise

Mark Manson discusses the role that promises play in shaping our sense of hope and purpose.

Manson begins by examining the way in which we make promises to ourselves and to others, and the way in which these promises shape our sense of hope and purpose. He argues that when we make a promise, we are essentially making a commitment to ourselves and to the world, and this commitment provides a sense of direction and purpose. However, he also notes that promises can be difficult to keep, and that they often require us to make sacrifices and take risks.

Strength vs. Weaknesses Promises

On the one hand, promises can be a powerful source of hope and motivation, helping us to persevere and overcome challenges. On the other hand, promises can also be a form of self-imposed pressure, leading us to feel overwhelmed and stressed when we cannot fulfill them.

StoryShot #4: Hope Is a Practice

Mark Manson discusses the various practices and strategies that can help us to cultivate hope in our lives. These practices include:

  1. Setting and working towards achievable goals: By setting and working towards achievable goals, we can create a sense of purpose and direction in our lives, and this can help us to feel hopeful and motivated.
  2. Seeking out positive and supportive relationships: Surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive people can help to lift our spirits and give us a sense of hope and optimism.
  3. Engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment: Doing things that we enjoy and that bring us a sense of fulfillment can help to boost our mood and give us a sense of hope and purpose.
  4. Practicing gratitude: Focusing on the things that we are grateful for can help to shift our perspective and give us a sense of hope and optimism.
  5. Seeking out new experiences and challenges: Engaging in new and challenging experiences can help to expand our horizons and give us a sense of hope and possibility.

“Hope doesn’t care about the problems that have already been solved. Hope cares only about the problems that still need to be solved. Because the better the world gets, the more we have to lose. And the more we have to lose, the less we feel we have to hope for.” – Mark Manson

StoryShot #5: Hope Is a Decision

Here are some strategies and practices for making deliberate choices about how we view and approach the world to find hope and meaning in life:

  1. Hope is not something that we passively receive or experience, but rather something that we actively choose and create.
  2. We often look to external sources for hope and meaning, such as religion, political ideologies, or cultural narratives, but these sources are ultimately limited and unreliable.
  3. True hope and meaning must come from within, and it is up to us to create and cultivate it.
  4. Making active and conscious decisions about how we view and approach the world is key to creating a sense of hope and purpose in our lives.
  5. We must be proactive and intentional in our pursuit of hope and meaning, rather than relying on external sources or circumstances to provide it for us.
  6. By making deliberate and intentional choices about how we think and act, we can create a sense of hope and purpose in our lives.

StoryShot #6: Hope Is a Process

Hope is not a one-time event or a destination, but rather a ongoing process that requires ongoing effort and attention. We often view hope as a fixed or inherent trait, rather than as something that we actively cultivate and nurture.

This perspective can be limiting, as it can lead us to think that hope is something that we either have or don’t have, rather than something that we can actively work towards and develop.

In order to cultivate and maintain hope, we must be proactive and intentional in our pursuit of hope and meaning. We must be willing to put in the work and make sacrifices in order to create a sense of hope and purpose in our lives.

Hope is not a passive or static state, but rather an active and dynamic process that requires ongoing effort and attention. We must be proactive and intentional in our pursuit of hope, rather than waiting for hope to come to us.

Hope is not a destination, but rather a journey that requires ongoing effort and attention. To cultivate and maintain hope, we must be willing to take risks and make sacrifices in order to create a sense of hope and purpose in our lives.

Hope is a process that requires ongoing effort and attention, and it is up to us to cultivate and nurture it in order to find meaning and purpose in life.

ستوري شوت #7: الأمل ليس خطة

الأمل ليس بديلاً عن التخطيط والعمل الملموس والواقعي. كثيرًا ما نعتمد على الأمل كوسيلة لتجنب تحمل المسؤولية واتخاذ القرارات الصعبة. وفي حين أن الأمل يمكن أن يكون قوة قوية ومحفزة، إلا أنه ليس بديلاً عن التخطيط والعمل.

يجب أن نكون على استعداد للقيام بالعمل الشاق واتخاذ خيارات صعبة من أجل خلق شعور بالأمل والهدف في حياتنا. فبدون خطة واضحة وواقعية، من المرجح أن نعلق في دائرة الأمل وخيبة الأمل. من خلال وجود خطة واضحة وواقعية، يمكننا اتخاذ خطوات ملموسة وقابلة للتنفيذ نحو خلق الأمل والمعنى في حياتنا.

تساعدنا الخطة الواضحة والواقعية على

  • قسّم الأهداف الكبيرة إلى خطوات أصغر وأكثر قابلية للإدارة.
  • حافظ على المسار الصحيح وأحرز تقدمًا نحو تحقيق أهدافنا، بدلاً من أن ننحرف عن المسار الصحيح أو نحبط.
  • تأقلم وتكيف مع التغييرات والنكسات، بدلاً من التعثر أو الاستسلام.
  • ركز على ما هو مهم وقابل للتحقيق، بدلاً من الضياع في أهداف مجردة أو غير قابلة للتحقيق.
  • خلق الأمل والهدف في حياتنا
  • التركيز على ما هو مهم وقابل للتحقيق
  • اتخاذ خطوات ملموسة وقابلة للتنفيذ نحو خلق الأمل والمعنى في حياتنا

ستوري شوت #8: الأمل هو الاختيار

يناقش مارك مانسون فكرة أن الأمل ليس استجابة سلبية أو تلقائية، بل هو خيار واعٍ ومقصود نتخذه من أجل خلق معنى وهدف في حياتنا. لدينا القدرة على اختيار الأمل، حتى في مواجهة الظروف الصعبة وغير المؤكدة. 

تشكل خياراتنا واقعنا وإحساسنا بالأمل والهدف. باختيار الأمل، يمكننا خلق معنى وهدف في حياتنا، حتى في مواجهة الشدائد والتحديات. يتطلب اختيار الأمل:

  • الشجاعة والضعف، لأنها تنطوي على الخروج من منطقة راحتنا ومواجهة مخاوفنا وشكوكنا.
  • المثابرة والمرونة، لأنها تنطوي على المثابرة في مواجهة النكسات والتحديات.
  • الوعي الذاتي واليقظة الذهنية، حيث تتضمن الانتباه إلى أفكارنا ومشاعرنا وأفعالنا واتخاذ خيارات واعية ومتعمدة.
  • الشفقة والرحمة بالنفس، حيث أنها تنطوي على أن نكون لطفاء وعطوفين تجاه أنفسنا والآخرين.
  • التواصل والمجتمع، حيث يتضمن بناء العلاقات وإيجاد الدعم والتشجيع من الآخرين.
  • النمو والتعلم، لأنه ينطوي على التعلم المستمر والنمو من تجاربنا وتحدياتنا.
  • الجهد والاهتمام المستمرين من أجل تنميتها والحفاظ عليها.

ستوري شوت #9: الأمل هو الممارسة

يناقش مارك مانسون فكرة أن الأمل ليس حدثًا لمرة واحدة أو وجهة مقصودة، بل هو ممارسة مستمرة تتطلب جهدًا واهتمامًا مستمرين. مثل أي مهارة أو عادة، يتطلب الأمل الممارسة والتكرار من أجل غرسه والحفاظ عليه.

يمكننا ممارسة الأمل من خلال:

  • التركيز على اللحظة الراهنة، بدلاً من الضياع في القلق أو القلق بشأن الماضي أو المستقبل.
  • تنمية الشعور بالامتنان والتقدير للأشياء التي لدينا، بدلاً من التركيز باستمرار على ما ينقصنا أو ما نريده.
  • وضع أهداف صغيرة قابلة للتحقيق واتخاذ إجراءات متسقة ومدروسة لتحقيقها.
  • البحث عن التجارب والتحديات الجديدة والتعلم منها بدلاً من تجنبها.
  • بناء علاقات إيجابية وداعمة مع الآخرين والحفاظ عليها.
  • العثور على الأنشطة التي تجلب لنا السعادة والمعنى والانخراط فيها.
  • الاعتناء بصحتنا البدنية والعاطفية والعقلية.
  • الالتزام بالنمو والتعلم الشخصي المستمر.

ستوري شوت #10: الأمل دورة

ويناقش مارك مانسون فكرة أن الأمل عملية ديناميكية ودورية تنطوي على ارتفاعات وانخفاضات على حد سواء، وأنه من المهم التعلم من كل من الجيد والسيئ واحتضانهما.

الأمل هو عملية ديناميكية ودورية تنطوي على ارتفاعات وانخفاضات. لا يمكننا أن نقدر الارتفاعات بشكل كامل دون أن نختبر الانخفاضات. ومن خلال احتضاننا للقيعان يمكننا ذلك:

  • تعلّم منها وتعلّم منها.
  • ابحث عن المعنى والهدف منها.
  • بناء المرونة والقوة.
  • ابحث عن الأمل والتفاؤل حتى في أصعب الظروف وأكثرها غموضاً.

لا ينبغي لنا أن نحاول تجنب أو كبح الانخفاضات، بل يجب أن نتعلم كيف نتعامل معها ونتجاوزها. لا ينبغي لنا:

  • لا نحكم على أنفسنا أو على الآخرين بناءً على الارتفاعات أو الانخفاضات، بل ندرك أنها جزء طبيعي وحتمي من الحياة.
  • تعريف أنفسنا أو الآخرين على أساس الارتفاعات أو الانخفاضات، بل ندرك أننا أكثر من مجرد ارتفاعاتنا وانخفاضاتنا.
  • لا تتعلّق كثيراً بالارتفاعات أو تشعر بالإحباط من الانخفاضات، بل ابحث عن التوازن والمنظور الصحيح.

ستوري شوت #11: العقل المفكر في مواجهة عقل الشعور 

يوجد في عقلك دماغان؛ دماغ التفكير ودماغ الشعور. نحب أن نعتقد أن دماغ التفكير المنطقي هو الذي يقودنا في التحكم في أنفسنا، ولكن في الواقع دماغ الشعور هو الذي يقودنا. فجميع أفعالنا تتم بسبب شعورنا.

نحن نتخذ قراراتنا باستمرار بالقلب. لا تقاوم دماغك الذي تشعر به لأن ذلك قد يزيد الأمر سوءًا. في الأساس الطريقة التي يمكن أن يتواصل بها دماغ التفكير مع دماغ شعورك هي التواصل معه باستخدام اللغة التي يعرفها: العاطفة!

"في النهاية، نحن لا نتحرك إلى الفعل إلا من خلال العاطفة. ذلك لأن الفعل هو العاطفة". - مارك مانسون 

إذا استطاع دماغ التفكير أن يقنع دماغ الشعور لديك كيف أن تغييرًا معينًا سيؤدي إلى شعور أكبر، فإن دماغ الشعور سيستمع. عندما لا يتوافق دماغ الشعور ودماغ التفكير لدينا، نشعر بالعجز ويبدأ كل شيء من حولنا بالشعور باليأس. نكتسب تحكماً أفضل في أنفسنا من خلال جعل دماغ التفكير ودماغ الشعور يتماشى مع نفس القيم.

“Maybe remind the Feeling Brain how good it feels to have exercised, how great it will feel to look good in a bathing suit this summer, how much you respect yourself when you’ve followed through on your goals, how happy you are when you live by your values, when you act as an example to the ones you love.” -Mark Manson

Our life is lived as a journey and we are all on our own chariot, pulled by two horses. We all have a gift to help us steer our horses in the direction in life we want. That gift is known as meaning control. Controlling the meaning behind your impulses and feelings is how we can better align our thinking brain and our feeling brain together.

StoryShot #12: لماذا يبدأ الناس في الشعور باليأس؟ 

Often time’s hopelessness comes from the feeling like we are not in control over our lives and ultimately not in control of our own destiny. People in this state feel like a victim to the world in a victim to their own mind. So what else do you need to have hope? Faith!

Without faith, there is no hope. Hope is fundamental to your psychology. You need it for several reasons:

1- To have something look forward to.

2- To believe you are in control of your destiny enough to achieve something great.

3- To find a community to achieve it with you.

When we lack one or all of these for too long, we lose hope and spiral into the void of the uncomfortable truth.

“by experiencing our hopes, we lose them. We see that our beautiful visions for a perfect future are not so perfect, that our dreams and aspirations are themselves riddled with unexpected flaws and unforeseen sacrifices. Because the only thing that can ever truly destroy a dream is to have it come true.” - مارك مانسون

Hope for the suffering that comes with freedom, the pain that comes from happiness and the wisdom that comes from ignorance.

“Because pain is the universal constant of life, the opportunities to grow from that pain are constant in life. All that is required is that we don’t numb it, that we don’t look away. All that is required is that we engage it and find the value and meaning in it.” 

Pain is inevitable but suffering is always a choice. There is always a separation between what we experienced and how we interpret that experience. The human mind is incredibly flawed.

There is an inner conflict when the thinking brain and feeling brain are not aligned. Our ability to process information is hamstrung by our emotional need to validate ourselves. Realize that even if all of your problems of today become magically fixed, your mind will still perceive the inevitable F*ckness of tomorrow.

“So, instead of looking for hope, try this:

Don’t hope.

Don’t despair, either.

In fact, don’t deign to believe you know anything. It’s that assumption of knowing with such blind, fervent, emotional certainty that gets us into these kinds of pickles in the first place.

Don’t hope for better. Just be better.

Be something better. Be more compassionate, more resilient, more humble, more disciplined. […]

Be a better human.” 

Who doesn’t want more freedom in their life? Who wants freedom mixed with suffering? If you give your feeling brain 100% freedom with your thinking brain being in the passenger seat, that would be terrible. The conflict would result in suffering.

“Freedom itself demands discomfort.” 

Having harmony with the thinking brain in the feeling brain will lead to greater self-control over our destiny and feelings.

You need the thinking brain and the feeling brain to be free and working in harmony. So once your two brains are in harmony, how can you achieve freedom? The only true form of freedom is through self-limitation. It is not the privilege of choosing everything you want in your life, but rather choosing what you will give up in your life. You can’t do everything, so what can you do and what do you want to do?

“The only true form of freedom, the only ethical form of freedom, is through self-limitation. It is not the privilege of choosing everything you want in your life, but rather, choosing what you will give up in your life.” 

Ultimately, the most meaningful freedom in your life comes from the commitment for which you have chosen to sacrifice.

الملخص النهائي والمراجعة

In his book Everything Is F*cked, Mark Manson explores the idea of hope and how it affects our lives. He believes that hope can be a powerful force that drives us forward and helps us to overcome challenges, but it can also be fragile and elusive. 

Manson argues that hope is often fueled by a belief that something better is possible, but it can also be rooted in a desire to escape suffering. He also discusses the role that stories, promises, and practices play in shaping our sense of hope and purpose, and offers strategies for cultivating hope in our lives. Overall, the book is a 

This book is not nihilistic like it seems, on the surface, it sounds nihilistic but it is actually a book against nihilism. Your life is not hopeless and meaningless unless you subscribe to a belief that it is. 

Pain is inevitable, however, hopelessness and suffering is a choice. Can we attain self-control to make the choice against hopelessness in suffering states? Every problem of self-control is not a problem of information, discipline or reason but rather of emotion. Self-control, impulsiveness, and laziness are emotional problems.

“Self-control is an illusion. It’s an illusion that occurs when both brains are aligned and pursuing the same course of action.” - مارك مانسون


قيمنا هذا الكتاب بـ 3.7/5.

ملف PDF، وكتاب صوتي مجاني، ورسم بياني وملخص كتاب متحرك 

This was the tip of the iceberg. To dive into the details and support Mark Manson, order it هنا أو احصل على الكتاب الصوتي مجاناً.

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