Becoming Supernatural summary Joe Dispenza
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Becoming Supernatural Summary & Infographic | Joe Dispenza

How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

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Becoming Supernatural summary Joe Dispenza

1-Sentence Summary of Becoming Supernatural

Becoming Supernatural is a transformative exploration by Dr. Joe Dispenza, showcasing how individuals can use scientific principles and spiritual practices to transcend common human experience and unlock their extraordinary potential.

Life gets busy. Has Becoming Supernatural been on your reading list? Learn the key insights now.

We’re scratching the surface in this Becoming Supernatural summary. If you don’t already have Dr. Joe Dispenza’s popular book on psychology and spirituality, order it here or get the audiobook for free on Amazon to learn the juicy details.


How much of your creative energy are you losing to negative emotions such as guilt, hatred, fear, or resentment? You can reroute all that energy to create the future you want. All you have to do is rewire your brain. If you understand your “heart intelligence,” you can enhance your mind-body connection. You can realize self-transformation and empowerment. Lose the habits tying you to the past and become supernatural!

We can’t solve our problems using the same thinking we used when we created them. In Becoming Supernatural, Dr. Joe Dispenza argues a vital yet controversial point. Changing our thinking goes far deeper than just changing perspectives.

This book is a profound read in which Dispenza explores the scientific and mystical realms. He shows you how to free yourself from self-imposed yet unjustified limitations. In doing so, you can transcend physical limitations and become who you truly want to become.

Dispenza also shares many examples and guides to help you understand and do what it takes to become supernatural. Let’s explore the main ideas contained in Becoming Supernatural.

Listen to The Audiobook Summary of Becoming Supernatural

About Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Joe Dispenza is a chiropractor, writer, and speaker. His primary focus areas have been epigenetics, quantum physics, and neuroscience.

Dispenza is a bestselling author of books including Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself, You Are The Placebo, and Becoming Supernatural. He’s also featured in several documentaries, notably Heal, Rewired, and What The Bleep Do We Know.

His work has earned him acclaim and criticism in equal measure, and it’s easy to understand why.

Dispenza suggests that the world is divided into the explained and the unexplained. Most people are conditioned to accept what science can explain. But our reality is intertwined with things that conventional science cannot explain. In his words, “common people are doing the uncommon.” 

In a world surrounded by the mundane, many experience things that are considered out of this world. Having experienced and recorded several of these phenomena, he evaluated them scientifically. Eventually, his findings culminated in Becoming Supernatural.

StoryShot #1: Emotions and Stress Directly Influence Our Health

We first learn the story of Anna. Anna developed serious health conditions after her husband committed suicide. 

Medically speaking, living in a stressed state is like living in constant survival mode. The body’s sympathetic nervous system (fight-or-flight system) turns on and uses a lot of energy in response to the stressor.

The body can only deal with short-term stress. The body never resumes a normal state if the pressure doesn’t end. But we can’t live in this “emergency mode” for extended periods without adverse health and mental health effects.

Effects of Emotional Stress and Trauma

Thanks to our large brains, we can think about our problems, relive past events, or worry about the future. Reliving the past or trying to control an unpredictable future can produce the same effect on us as the actual event. Both throw the body off its typical physiological balance.

Anna repeatedly relived the stressful situation and emotions in her mind. Her body couldn’t differentiate between the actual event and the stressful memories. This response effectively threw her body into a constant state of survival.

Experiences create emotions. As our senses record information, our neurons reorganize into networks. They then freeze into a particular pattern. This causes the brain to send a chemical throughout the body, which is the emotional response.

That’s why we can remember events better if we can remember how they feel. The stronger the emotional response, the stronger the change in internal chemistry it causes. The brain pays attention whenever a significant change occurs inside us. It takes a “snapshot” of that experience, which becomes a memory of that experience.

The memory of an event can also become neurologically implanted in the brain. The scene becomes implanted in our gray matter. Like what happened to Anna, the combination of people, objects, scenes, time, and places is etched into our brains like a holographic image. Over time, it becomes a long-term memory.

Woman with her hands on her chest, showing gratitude to oneself - a concept of Becoming Supernatural
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Leveraging the power of intention and elevated emotion.

Overcoming Stress for Self-Healing

Constantly reliving a traumatic experience turns on the body’s nervous response. The body uses all of its energy to deal with the constant “threat,” leaving it no energy for growth and repair. This state can also compromise the immune response.

In Anna’s case, the repeated inner conflict caused her immune system to attack her body. It was a physical manifestation of the pain and suffering she was going through in her mind. Her mind couldn’t move forward, and her body couldn’t move either.

Anna turned on the stress response by thinking about her problems and past. Her thoughts were making her sick. Since stress hormones are so powerful, she became addicted to her thoughts.

Eventually, Anna made an intentional, firm choice to change herself and her life. As we’ll see next, this decision carried the energy she needed to force her body to respond to her mind.

StoryShot #2: Change Your Future by Changing Yourself

On a cold winter day in February 2011, Anna chose to change herself and her life. She knew she had to start all over, and that moment redefined her.

Anna believed in a new future rather than the familiar past. Using meditation techniques, she combined the power of clear intention and elevated emotions. She then used this combination to change her state of being at a biological level.

Anna had to change from the inside out, starting with her thoughts, habits, and emotions. These had already become hardwired and chemically conditioned into her body. Breaking them would be tough.

Anna realized she could train her body to anticipate her future, even before it happened. Her unconscious mind didn’t know the difference between real and imagined experience, so it embraced both as truth.

Effecting Change at a Genetic Level

Anna understood that the stress chemical coursing through her body had been turning on unhealthy genes.

She could turn on healthy genes instead, by embracing elevated positive emotions with more passion than negative ones.

Further, Anna learned that genes don’t create disease. The environment signals them to create the disease. If she lived every day with the same emotions from her past, Anna was fostering conditions for the genes to cause illness in her body.

Instead, she embraced and embodied the emotions of her future life. This meant she could change her genetic expression and align her body with her new future.

Over time, Anna could see that her thought patterns had changed. Her brain was no longer firing the same circuits, so the old paths stopped wiring together and started pulling apart. She stopped thinking in the old ways and started feeling gratitude and pleasure for the first time in years.

StoryShot #3: All Opportunities Exist in the Quantum Field

Dispenza’s ideas seek to combine quantum physics and spirituality. Anna had connected to a field of information called the quantum field, where all possibilities exist. She had become a new, healthy person, free from the old Anna in whom the disease thrived. By acting and feeling differently, Anna reinvented herself and was reborn.

Thoughts Define Feelings and Vice versa

Any thought or emotion triggers biochemical reactions in the body that cause the brain to release certain chemicals. These make you feel what you’re thinking. Chemical messengers cause your thoughts to manifest physically. You generate more thoughts because of what you’re feeling, and this becomes a vicious cycle.

For example, if you have a fearful thought, you start to feel fear. The emotion of fear influences you to think more fearful thoughts, which trigger more chemicals that increase the emotion of fear. 

When you repeatedly fire and wire the same circuits in your brain by thinking the same thoughts, you’re hard-wiring your brain into a pattern. Your brain becomes an artifact of past thinking.

StoryShot #4: The Future Repeats the Past Unless You Change It

The moment you wake up in the morning, your mind searches for the familiar feeling of “you”. In effect, you start your day in the past when you start to think about your problems. These are memories of experiences of different people, things, places, and times.

You create unhappiness, futility, pain, and other negative feelings every time you remember the past.

Your body and mind are predicting a future based on familiar events and feelings from the past. In that familiar future, there’s no room for the unknown.

The unknown is unfamiliar and uncertain but also exciting because it occurs in ways you can’t anticipate or expect. So, Dispenza asks: How much room do you have for the unknown?

If you can still predict the feeling or experience, you’re living in the known. For instance, imagine you are going to have a meeting with co-workers you’ve worked with for years. The thought of it elicits automatic emotions about what will happen.

You can already predict the feeling of that future event based on past experiences. This means you’re likely to create more of the same feelings and experiences.

Woman standing in front of drawings showing stress and intrusive thoughts
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Overcoming emotions and stress that influence our health

StoryShot #5: Emotions are Energy

Dispenza proposes that emotions are energy in motion. For example, when someone walks into a room, their energy is palpable. Everyone has felt and understood the intent and energy of another person when they’re angry or frustrated. Usually, that person emits a strong signal or energy that carries specific information.

Each emotion produces a different frequency. For instance, positive emotions produce much higher frequencies than their negative counterparts. This is because they have different energy levels and intents.

You place your energy where your attention is. If you focus on a familiar emotion, your attention is in the past. You’re siphoning your power from the present into the past.

If you think about the people you have to see, the things you have to do, and the places you have to go, you place your energy into a predictable and known future. This is still based on your past experiences.

StoryShot #6: You Become What You Think

Dispenza thinks you can make your body follow your mind into the unknown. To change your energy, you must change where you focus. You must change your thoughts and feelings for something new to happen.

This is possible. Your body has been following your mind to every experience you have ever had in your life. If you focus your attention and energy on the unknown, your body can also experience a new future.

When you focus on a specific visualization, you become present with a particular sequence of thoughts. Your brain and body won’t know the difference between what you’re thinking and what’s happening in the outer world.

When you’re fully engaged and focused, the inner world of imagination will appear as an outer-world experience. Your biology will change accordingly. You can make your brain and body look and feel like a physical experience has already happened without having the actual experience.

What you put your attention to and constantly rehearse in your mind becomes who you are and shapes your future.

The Power of Thought

A team of Harvard researchers took a group of volunteers who had never played the piano before and divided the group in half. One half practiced a simple five-finger exercise over five days. The other half imagined doing the same without physically moving their fingers.

The brain scans before and after the tests showed that all the subjects created many new brain circuits and neural programming. All changes were in the same brain region that controls finger movements, despite one group doing it by thought alone.

Other studies with muscle training have obtained similar results. The Cleveland Clinic conducted a study on ten research subjects aged between 20 and 35. The subjects were to imagine flexing their biceps as hard as possible in five training sessions over 12 weeks.

The researchers recorded the subject’s electrical brain activity during the sessions. They also measured their muscle strength every other week. By the end of the study, the participants had increased their bicep strength by an average of 13.5%.

StoryShot #7: Meditate to Transcend the Physical Realm

Dispenza says that moving into an elevated emotional state for a few minutes can produce significant beneficial changes in your body.

For example, don’t waste your attention and energy focusing on negatives when you get up in the morning. Don’t think about the people you have to see, places you must go, or things you must do. These things fracture and drain your creative energy.

You deplete your reserves when you focus your energy on worldly objects, worries, and problems. Ultimately, you’ll have no energy to focus internally on your thoughts and feelings. How much of your creative energy are you losing to negative emotions such as guilt, hatred, fear, or resentment? You can use all that energy to create the destiny and future you want.To help you turn inwards, you’ll first have to take your attention off these external things. Use meditation techniques to change your internal state and break away from your usual associations.

How to Meditate

In Becoming Supernatural, Dr. Joe goes on to guide how to achieve this. If you’re meditating and start having stray thoughts, those are your usual thinking habits kicking in. It’s because you’re used to focusing on the same people, places, and things for so long.

You’re putting all your attention on the past (since emotions are records of the past). Therefore you should stop, return to the present moment, and disinvest your energy and attention from the past.

You train and recondition your body and mind every time you do this, much like training a dog. You’re showing the power of your will over your natural programming. Eventually, the body surrenders if you keep returning your attention and energy to the present.

This process helps you break the bonds you had already formed with the familiar known reality. And when that happens, you’re going beyond the physical world identity and unfolding into the quantum field.

Woman meditating in front of a lake - changing state of mind according to Becoming Supernatural.
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Meditate to transcend the physical realm.

How to Meditate

If you’re meditating and start having stray thoughts, those are your usual thinking habits kicking in. It happens because you’re used to focusing on the same people, places, and things for so long.

You’re putting all your attention on the past (since emotions are records of the past). Therefore, you should stop, return to the present moment, and move your energy and attention away from the past.

You train and recondition your body and mind every time you do this, much like training a dog. You’re showing the power of your will over your natural programming. Eventually, your body will surrender if you keep returning your attention and energy to the present.

This process helps you break the bonds you had already formed with the familiar reality. And when that happens, you’re going beyond your identity in the physical world and unfolding into the quantum field.

StoryShot #8: Access and Use the Powerful Quantum Field

Invisible energy and information (intelligence or consciousness) exist beyond space and time. Dispenza calls this the quantum or unified field. Nothing material or physical exists in that field, so you can’t perceive it with your senses.

However, this field governs all the laws of nature and has infinite energy available for our creation. With limitless possibilities in this sea of energy, we can create anything.

However, you can’t walk through the door into this field as a somebody. You have to be a nobody. You must be only an awareness, a consciousness, a thought, or a possibility. You must leave behind the physical world and live only in the present moment.

Tapping into the quantum field requires that you break emotional addictions. Those emotions drive your thoughts and feelings. You’ve got to stop feeling the same way so that you can stop putting your attention on the physical world of matter. Instead, focus on the energy of possibility.

Such an experience can create significant changes in the brain. For one, since you perceive yourself to be beyond the physical, you stop anticipating danger. The conscious part of your brain (neocortex) is less aroused and slows down.

This change is detectable because it causes the brain waves to become more coherent, balanced, and in phase with each other. They also move into a lower frequency, from beta waves to alpha waves. Alpha waves are associated with calmness and deep thinking that taps into the subconscious.

StoryShot #9: Use Your Heart Intelligence

Dispenza claims that the unified field connects all living systems. These connections comprise a collective consciousness. Because of our individual connections to the field, we can influence other people and other living things through it.

Dispenza believes that the emotions we project into the world can effect changes through the unified field. He says we can therefore learn to use our “heart intelligence” to better control this process. The key is to synchronize the brain and the heart – the rational and emotional parts of us – so we create a coherent signal. 

More coherence creates a bigger electromagnetic field around the body. This allows us to have more influence on the world around us. 

We can also combine this influence if we join with others expressing the same intent and emotions. Dispenza calls this phenomenon “emergence.” This collective power can change the world. For example, a global meditation gathering from 1983 to 1985 was followed by a dramatic decrease (72%) in world terrorism. Dispenza claims that the meditation was responsible for this decrease.

StoryShot #10: Leverage the Power of Intention and Elevated Emotion

Once you’re in a state of inner awareness, you only need two things. You need clear intention and elevated emotion to turn possibilities into physical reality. Clear intention means you must be as clear, specific, and detailed as possible about what you want to create. Make it as thorough and as real as you can.

Then combine clear intent with elevated emotions like love, joy, or gratitude. You must tap into the feeling you anticipate when you manifest your clear intent because that emotion carries higher energy.

If you want to create change, you need to tap into greater energy than the energy driving your pain, fear, anger, shame, or unworthiness.

StoryShot #11: Tap into the Power of Open Focus

In the 1970s, Dr. Les Fehmi, director of the Princeton Biofeedback Centre, discovered a method. It taught people to move their brain waves from beta waves (active state) to alpha waves (relaxed state). From his studies, he realized that the best way to do it was for the subject to adopt an “open focus.”

Open focus means becoming aware of space and nothingness. Space and nothingness is the traditional Buddhist meditation method that has been used for thousands of years. As you open your mind and focus on sense information rather than matter, your brain waves automatically start to slow into alpha waves.

One aim of meditation is to move the focus away from the analytical mind, which separates the conscious mind from the subconscious. Slowing down the thinking brain past the analytical mind allows you to tap into the subconscious “operating system.” This is where all automatic programs and unconscious habits exist.

Becoming Supernatural Final Summary and Review

What exactly does becoming supernatural mean? It means achieving a state where you can change your body by thought alone. It means using your heart intelligence to influence the world  outside your body. It means overcoming challenges in your environment that most “normal” people wouldn’t overcome.

Let’s go through those key lessons again:

  1. Stress and negative emotions can be tolerated for short periods, but you shouldn’t let them become long-term habits. You can overcome stress and redirect your energies toward more useful ends. 
  2. You can turn on healthy genes and rewire your brain by embracing elevated positive emotions with more passion than negative ones.
  3. Don’t be tied to the physical realm where you are defined by your past experiences. Instead, embrace the quantum field of infinite possibility. 
  4. The past repeats itself unless you change it. Create room in your life for the unknown.
  5. Emotions can be understood in terms of energy. This energy in turn defines us. To change your state of being, you must change what you think and feel.
  6. You become what you think. Where you choose to direct your mental focus will determine your future thoughts and behavior.
  7. Meditation techniques can help you transcend the physical realm.
  8. If you perceive yourself in the quantum field, you can remove yourself from the restrictions and negative emotions of the physical world. You are then empowered to achieve much more. 
  9. You can create change in your life by combining clear intent with elevated emotions like love, joy, or gratitude.
  10. Adopt an open focus to move beyond the analytical mind and change the pattern of your brain waves. 

Becoming supernatural is about ability and possibility. It’s about changing a predictable future and embracing wider possibilities. Your journey to becoming supernatural begins with reading Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book. Let us know how you get on by tagging us on social media!


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Infographic Summary

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Infographic Summary of Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Editor’s Note

This article was first published on 5 October 2022. It was thoroughly revised and updated on 7 July 2023.

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What is Becoming Supernatural about?

Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza explores the intersection of science and spirituality, teaching readers how to tap into their potential for transformation and healing through meditation and mindfulness practices.

Can you provide a Becoming Supernatural summary?

The book emphasizes overcoming limiting beliefs, creating a new reality, and utilizing meditation techniques to access higher states of consciousness for personal change and healing.

What are common themes in a Becoming Supernatural review?

Many reviews highlight Dispenza’s blend of scientific research, relatable anecdotes, and practical exercises, noting its potential to inspire and empower readers in their personal development journeys.

Is there a Becoming Supernatural PDF available?

While official PDFs may not be freely available, you can purchase the book in various formats, including eBook versions that may be compatible with PDF readers.

What is included in the Becoming Supernatural Workbook?

The Becoming Supernatural Workbook provides guided exercises, meditations, and reflective prompts to help readers apply the concepts from Dispenza’s book to their own lives.

How can I implement the techniques from Becoming Supernatural?

Start by incorporating daily meditation practices as suggested by Joe Dispenza, focusing on visualizing your desired future and releasing limiting beliefs.

Are there any scientific studies referenced in Becoming Supernatural?

Yes, Joe Dispenza references various scientific studies related to neuroscience, quantum physics, and the mind-body connection to support his theories on transformation and healing.

What makes Becoming Supernatural unique compared to other self-help books?

Its unique blend of scientific principles and spiritual practices offers a holistic approach to personal transformation, making it stand out in the self-help genre.

How can I find a community around Becoming Supernatural?

Look for online forums, social media groups, or local meetups focused on Joe Dispenza’s work, where you can connect with like-minded individuals and share experiences and insights.

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