ملخص كتاب روبرت جرين قوانين الطبيعة البشرية PDF
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ملخص ومراجعة كتاب قوانين الطبيعة البشرية | كتاب روبرت جرين

ملخص كتاب روبرت جرين قوانين الطبيعة البشرية PDF
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المحتويات عرض

الحياة مشغولة لديها قوانين الطبيعة البشرية على قائمة القراءة الخاصة بك؟ تعرّف على الأفكار الرئيسية الآن.

نحن نخدش السطح في قوانين الطبيعة البشرية ملخص. إذا لم يكن لديك بالفعل كتاب روبرت جرين الشهير عن علم النفس والمساعدة الذاتية, اطلبها هنا أو احصل على الكتاب الصوتي مجاناً لمعرفة التفاصيل المثيرة

ملخص كتاب قوانين الطبيعة البشرية المسموع المجاني


قوانين الطبيعة البشرية يتعمق في ما يدفع البشر ويحفزهم. يمكن أن تكون هذه الدوافع واعية أو غير واعية. والأهم من ذلك، يمكننا جميعًا الاستفادة من هذه الدوافع لتحسين أنفسنا ومن حولنا. يستخدم هذا الكتاب إرشادات وأمثلة من بعض الأشخاص الأكثر تأثيرًا في التاريخ، من مارتن لوثر كينغ الابن إلى الملكة إليزابيث الأولى. وقد جُمعت هذه الأفكار معًا لتقديم إرشادات تنطبق على الجميع.

عن روبرت جرين

روبرت غرين مؤلف أمريكي ناجح للغاية. تركز كتبه في المقام الأول على الاستراتيجية والقوة والإغواء. والعديد من أفكاره مدعومة بمبادئ الزن البوذية، حيث أنه تلميذ لبوذية الزن. وهو حالياً مؤلف لستة من أكثر الكتب مبيعاً على مستوى العالم. 

StoryShot #1: اللاعقلانية جزء من السلوك البشري

"أنت تحب أن تتخيل نفسك مسيطرًا على مصيرك، وتخطط بوعي لمسار حياتك بأفضل ما يمكنك. لكنك غير مدرك إلى حد كبير لمدى سيطرة عواطفك عليك. إنها تجعلك تنحرف نحو الأفكار التي تهدئ من غرورك. تجعلك تبحث عن أدلة تؤكد ما تريد أن تصدقه بالفعل. إنها تجعلك ترى ما تريد أن تراه، اعتمادًا على حالتك المزاجية، وهذا الانفصال عن الواقع هو مصدر القرارات السيئة والأنماط السلبية التي تطارد حياتك. العقلانية هي القدرة على مواجهة هذه التأثيرات العاطفية، والتفكير بدلًا من ردة الفعل، وفتح عقلك على ما يحدث بالفعل، بدلًا من ما تشعر به. إنها لا تأتي بشكل طبيعي، بل هي قوة يجب أن ننميها، ولكننا بذلك نحقق أعظم إمكاناتنا."

- روبرت غرين، قوانين الطبيعة البشرية

كثيرًا ما يُزعم أن المجتمع الحديث يقوم على العقلانية والعقلانية. ومع ذلك، فإن الحقيقة هي أننا نتخذ نسبة كبيرة من قراراتنا بناءً على ردود الفعل العاطفية. وردود الفعل العاطفية هذه لا ترتبط بالمنطق. وبالتالي، نحن كبشر معرضون بشكل كبير لاتخاذ خيارات غير عقلانية. 

تعود معضلة البحث عن العقلانية والفشل إلى القرن الخامس قبل الميلاد. يصف روبرت جرين رجل الدولة الأثيني، بريكليس، الذي يُفترض أنه من أوائل من شجعوا على السلوك العقلاني. خلال تلك الفترة، كانت هناك شائعات بأن الإسبرطيين كانوا على وشك مهاجمة أثينا. شجع بريكليس قادة أثينا على ضبط النفس بدلاً من القيام بالهجوم الأول. فلو تصرف القادة بناء على عواطفهم، كان من الممكن أن يشعلوا حربًا شاملة. وبعد فترة وجيزة، توفي بريكليس بسبب الطاعون. وبدون بصيرته العقلانية، بنت أثينا قراراتها على العواطف. حاربت أثينا الإسبرطيين، وكادت أن تدمر أثينا. 

يمكننا أن نتعلم الكثير من بريكليس. فقد أظهر بريكليس الصبر. فالصبر أمر أساسي في اتخاذ القرارات على أساس العقلانية بدلاً من اتخاذ قرارات سريعة مبنية على العواطف. كما كان بريكليس يأخذ بعين الاعتبار كل الخيارات عند اتخاذ القرارات. وكان يجمع كل المعلومات معًا ويتخذ قرارات مستنيرة. وكان هذا يعني أحيانًا الاختلاف مع غالبية الناس ومن هم في السلطة. لكن الأهم من ذلك أن تكون قراراتك مبنية على المنطق والعقلانية بدلاً من أن تكون شعبية.

وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، حتى عندما يستغرق الإنسان وقتًا في اتخاذ قرار عقلاني، لا يزال هناك العديد من التحيزات التي يتعرض لها الإنسان عند اتخاذ القرار:

  • التحيز التأكيدي - البحث عن المعلومات التي تدعم الأفكار التي تعتنقها بالفعل
  • التحيز في الاقتناع - الاعتقاد بأن أفكارنا من المرجح أن تكون صحيحة لأن لدينا مشاعر أقوى فيما يتعلق بالموضوع
  • التحيز في المظهر - الأشخاص الذين يبدون جذابين، سواء كان ذلك بناءً على المظهر أو الثروة، هم أشخاص جيدون تلقائيًا
  • التحيز الجماعي - التصديق التلقائي للأشياء التي تؤمن بها مجموعتنا

لا ينصح روبرت بأن تكون بلا مشاعر. وبدلاً من ذلك، حاول أن توازن بين أفكارك وعواطفك وامنح نفسك الوقت لاتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة تستند بشكل أساسي إلى الأدلة. 

ستوري شوت #2: تقبل الناس كما هم

كبشر، لدينا ولع بتغيير الآخرين. نحن أكبر سبب للصدمة في البشر الآخرين. نحن نحكم دائمًا على الناس ونتمنى أن يصبحوا شيئًا غير ما هم عليه. ومع ذلك، كلما أسرعنا في قبول حقيقة أننا لا نستطيع تغيير الآخرين، كلما كنا أكثر سعادة. يقدم روبرت مثالاً عن الآباء والأمهات الذين يهددون أطفالهم بالعقاب حتى يمتثل أطفالهم. العقاب والتهديد لا يغيران الطفل المشاغب. وبدلاً من ذلك، سيعلمون الطفل كيف يتجنب الوقوع في المشاكل بشكل أفضل. 

إذا تقبلنا أننا جميعًا مختلفون، سنكون أقل إحباطًا بكثير. حاول فهم الناس وتقبلهم بدلاً من محاولة تغييرهم. حاول فهم دوافعهم وما الذي يجعلهم على ما هم عليه. استمع إليهم بصدق عندما تسألهم عن دوافعهم، واجمع أكبر قدر ممكن من المعلومات. يحب الناس التحدث عن أنفسهم، لذا لا ينبغي أن يكون ذلك صعبًا. بعد الحصول على هذه المعلومات، يجب عليك التوقف لتحليل هذه المعلومات. سيساعدك اعتماد هذه الأساليب على فهم أفضل لشخصية هذا الشخص وكيف يمكنك مساعدته على الازدهار. 

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يجب أن نسعى إلى استخدام تعاطفنا للحصول على إدراك أكبر لشخصيات الآخرين. سيساعدنا استخدام تعاطفنا على فهم متى يرتدي الناس قناعًا في الحياة. وهذه مهارة مهمة، حيث يمكنك بعد ذلك أن تهدف إلى مساعدة هذا الشخص على التعبير عن نفسه بصدق. يمكننا فهم الشخصية الحقيقية للشخص بشكل أفضل من خلال ملاحظة كيفية تفاعل هذا الشخص مع الشدائد. 

ستوري شوت #3: اسعَ لتكون نسخة أفضل من نفسك

يوضح روبرت أننا جميعًا نمضي في الحياة مرتدين قناعًا. فنحن نسعى دائمًا إلى إظهار أفضل ما فينا للعالم، حتى لو كان ما نقدمه غير دقيق. يتم التشجيع على هذا النهج منذ الصغر، حيث أننا نفعل ما يقوله آباؤنا حتى نتمكن من الحصول على فوائد معينة. هذه هي الطريقة التي يعمل بها المجتمع. يشجع مجتمعنا العمل الجماعي واللطف. لذلك، فإن إظهار المشاعر القوية تجاه فرد ما أو الأنانية أمر مستهجن. وبالتالي، لا يتم التعامل مع هذه السلوكيات حتى لو كنا لا نحب فردًا آخر أو نريد الأفضل لأنفسنا فقط. 

لقد سهلت وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي صياغة شخصيتك بشكل أكبر. يقول روبرت أنه يجب أن نرتدي أقنعة تظهر أفضل ما لدينا من شخصية. فلو أننا جميعاً أظهرنا أنفسنا على حقيقتنا، لأصبح العالم مكاناً أسوأ. وعلاوة على ذلك، فإن ارتداء الشخصية يساعدنا على حماية أنفسنا من عدم الأمان. فهو يساعدنا على الشعور بأننا نملك ما نريده بالفعل، والاعتقاد بذلك يعني أنك ستصبح ذلك الشخص قريبًا.

ستوري شوت #4: نحن قصيرو النظر

يميل البشر إلى التفاعل مع المشاكل الواضحة أكثر من تلك التي لها تأثير أقل على حياتهم اليومية. فعلى سبيل المثال، يتم إنفاق المزيد من المال والاهتمام على مكافحة الإرهاب أكثر من إنفاقه على مكافحة تغير المناخ. وهذا الميل له أصول تطورية. فمن الناحية التاريخية، كان على البشر التركيز على التهديدات المباشرة بدلاً من تلك التي لها تأثير أكبر. 

يوصي روبرت غرين بأن نتبنى نظرة بعيدة النظر بدلاً من طبيعتنا الحالية قصيرة النظر. يجب علينا أن نتراجع خطوة إلى الوراء وننظر إلى الخيارات المحتملة، وكذلك ما قد تكون عواقب إهمال مشكلة أقل وضوحًا. إحدى الطرق لفهم ذلك هي أن مشاكلنا الحالية غالبًا ما تكون نتيجة لقصر نظرنا السابق. فإذا تمكنا من فهم هذه النقطة، يمكننا عندئذٍ أن نحدد أولويات المشاكل الأكثر أهمية بشكل أكثر فعالية. 

StoryShot #5: Arrogance After Success Holds Us Back

We tend to be self-absorbed. Robert describes humans as being naturally narcissistic. People span from healthy levels of narcissism to deep narcissism. Those who are profoundly narcissistic view others as extensions of themselves. Robert attributes this type of narcissism to parents being too involved with a child or not enough attention. The former prevents the child from developing an individual identity while the latter leads to low self-esteem. Interestingly, deep narcissists lack the self-love that is usually associated with narcissism. Hence, Robert Greene suggests that creating a sense of self you can love is a useful tool for creating healthier narcissism levels. 

Robert Greene describes how success often goes to people’s heads. This effect is called the Law of Grandiosity. A great example of the Law of Grandiosity is the career of Michael Eisner. Eisner became Disney’s CEO in the 1980s. During this time, he released fourteen hit movies. These movies ended up reviving the struggling Disney brand. The way Eisner saw it, everything he touched turned to gold. However, when he turned his attention toward theme parks instead and building Euro Disney in France, this endeavor was less successful. Instead of accepting any blame, Eisner looked to blame other people. This is because his ego had grown too large. In 1994, he shocked the industry by firing his underling Jeffrey Katzenberg. Jeffrey had been mostly responsible for many recent hits, including The Lion King. In September of 2005, board members voted out Eisner after Disney’s stock prices began to dwindle. 

Often people experience success and then forget how they attained that success. Success requires support from others and mentors. Plus, a degree of luck. Reminding ourselves of these features helps us remain realistic. 

StoryShot #6: We Should Not Let Our Genders Define What We Can and Can’t Do

We all have a masculine and feminine side. Robert Greene suggests that we should learn to indulge both sides so we can become strong figures. Examples of influential celebrities such as David Bowie adopted a more feminine side to utilize all of his strengths. A similar approach was taken by Caterina Sforza, an example that Robert Greene gives in this book. Caterina was born into a powerful Italian dynasty back in 1463. She enjoyed combat training, as well as fashion and the arts. Her ability to adopt both traditionally masculine and feminine hobbies meant she was considered a strong figure. 

Robert Greene explains in قوانين الطبيعة البشرية that our views of masculinity and femininity are a product of our genes and environment. However, if we can learn to embrace both of these views, we can improve our relationships. Specifically, Robert explains how a man embracing his feminine side will be better able to empathize with women. 

Robert claims that we should aim to acquire the strengths of both men and women. Men tend to categorize things, while women search for patterns and connections. A combination of these two approaches is ideal for problem-solving. 

StoryShot #7: Don’t Conform to a Group Mentality If It’s Dragging You Down

Humans tend to identify themselves in relation to others. We spend a large proportion of our time worrying about what others think and whether we fit into certain groups. A group mentality can be highly beneficial, as teamwork helps keep everyone focused on a common goal.  

Despite the strengths associated with working as a group, there are also multiple risks associated with groups. Firstly, when we are among others, we behave differently. Our principles are lost in the group; these principles start to mimic those in the group. Hence, we lose what makes us unique, including our ability to think independently. Additionally, Robert explains that being part of a group can lead to us making more irrational decisions than we usually would. The primary reason for this is that we often do things just because others are, instead of thinking logically about decisions. 

Subsequently, we must aim to avoid being dragged down by the group. Individuals with a weak character will struggle more with getting out of the grip of the group. Here are the main ways Robert Greene suggests that we can avoid being dragged down by the group:

  1. Retain independence and rationality regardless of what others tell you
  2. Develop self-awareness
  3. Ensure you are concentrated in the present moment every time you’re in a group

StoryShot #8: Use Your ‘Weaknesses’ in a Positive Way

One trait that is often seen as a weakness is aggression. Robert Greene claims that we should channel our aggression in a positive way. To do this, he provides the example of John D. Rockefeller from the 19th century. Rockefeller was in business with a man named Maurice Clark, but Maurice found Rockefeller irritating. Rockefeller would always pressure Maurice to expand the business. Maurice found this so irritating that he sold his shares of the business at auction. Rockefeller bought these shares and turned their small business into the Standard Oil Company. This would become of the most powerful companies ever created. The only way Rockefeller could turn this small business into a business that is still impactful today is through being a sophisticated aggressor. 

Our aggression is what made us the most dominant species on the planet. Hence, we should not repress this aggression. Repression leads to passive aggression. Instead, we should accept our aggression, and where it stems from, and use it for our benefit. For example, we can use this aggressive energy to be tenacious and fearless. 

StoryShot #9: The 18 Laws of Human Nature

The fundamental backbone of this book is the 18 laws that Robert Greene has identified. We have already considered the essential laws above, but now we will provide you with a concise outline of all 18 laws. 


Irrationality is one of the most significant flaws in humans. Irrationality is often driven by our emotions and makes us see and look for evidence that fits our narrative. This disconnect from the world’s reality around us can lead to us making a variety of bad decisions. Robert provided the example of Pericles, spoken of earlier. As a rational man, Athens prospered. 

Overcoming Irrationality

We must recognize our biases and the triggers that lead to us making decisions based on emotions. Additionally, we must take a step back and give ourselves time to calm down before making important decisions. Energy, combined with rational thought, is the ideal balance.


We are all focused on ourselves, and we crave attention and approval from others. Robert gives the example of Stalin. Stalin was charming at first, but he was ruthless to anybody who challenged him. He was riddled with insecurities. Insecurities are what underpin narcissism. 

Overcoming Narcissism

Cultivate empathy for other people and avoid making snap judgments without putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. Learn as much as you can about others. Robert gives the example of Ernest Shackleton as a healthy narcissist. When his team was trapped for months in Antarctica in late 1915, Shackleton figured out that their attitude would be the difference between life and death. He paid attention to individuals as well as the group as a whole. This approach developed confidence within the group, and they all survived. 


People are always portraying emotions that are different than they feel. We must understand how to identify people’s genuine emotions. Plus, we learn how to present the best version of ourselves.

How to Role-Play and Understand Others’ Role-Playing

Try and be more like Milton Erickson. Milton was a pioneer in hypnotherapy. After months of physical paralysis due to polio, Milton learned how to read physical cues better. Physical cues are the best indicators of people’s genuine feelings. Therefore, focus more on hand gestures, voice pitches, and minor facial expressions. Plus, learn how to role-play yourself by practicing displaying the correct emotions in different circumstances. 


People will have specific reputations or surface images. However, these reputations are never a true reflection of this person’s character. Robert uses the example of businessman Howard Hughes. Howard appeared highly successful and happy, but he actually struggled from deep anxiety and control issues. He then became addicted to pain medication.


We have to embrace our circumstances and identify clear visions for the future. It is easy for humans to think that the grass is always greener on the other side. Only a connection with your reality will bring you calmness and focus. Robert provides the example of Coco Chanel. This French fashion designer became successful because she understood that people desire what they don’t have. Therefore, she developed a degree of mystery surrounding her work and products. 


We are animals, which means we are most impressed by what we see and feel. We often forget to think about the consequences of our actions or the bigger picture. However, a lack of perspective can lead to negative repercussions. For example, individuals investing in housing lost millions of dollars during the housing bubble when it finally burst. This applies to the example Robert provides, which is the South Sea Company. The company did not have long-term viability, but this did not stop people from investing in shares and the South Sea Bubble finally bursting. 

How to Overcome Short-sightedness

Try not to be overwhelmed by information about the future. Consider essential information so you can make decisions that will reap long-term benefits. If you are truly overwhelmed by the amount of information regarding the future, you could always delegate work. 


We are all defensive about certain things. This approach limits our creative nature. Hence, we should always be open to new ideas and thoughts. If we are given a piece of constructive criticism, we should use it as an opportunity to think differently. Robert provides the example of Lyndon Johnson. Johnson was the 36th president of the United States. He did not gain power by overpowering people; instead, he gained it by letting others do the talking and be the stars of the show.


Humans have a habit of making their biggest fears a reality through self-sabotage. If we are fearful about the future, we will see the negative in everything. This will unconsciously impact on our decisions and lead to self-sabotage. Robert provides the example of Anton Chekhov. Anton was a Russian playwright who had a particularly tough childhood. Despite this, he avoided self-sabotage and instead decided to always turn a negative into a positive. 

How to Prevent Self-Sabotage

Adopting a hostile attitude will only lead to you seeing everything as a threat. You need to try and develop an expansive attitude where you see yourself as an explorer. View adversity as a challenge and acknowledge that you have the skills and capabilities to determine your response.


We all repress our insecurities, aggression, and selfish impulses. You can learn to control this dark side of yourself and prevent it from leaking out. Identify and accept your tendency to project emotions or bad qualities onto people that you know. Express these dark thoughts through a harmless avenue e.g., art. Robert provides the example of Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States. Although he always had a positive image in public, he repressed his angry tendencies and his real personality was revealed after the Watergate scandal. 


Humans naturally compare themselves to others. However, envy is not socially acceptable. We must notice our envy before it becomes dangerous. Envy is natural, and this means we cannot completely eradicate it. However, we can turn it into something more positive. Turn envy into emulation: use your envy to motivate yourself to improve. Robert provides the example of Mary Shelley. Mary was the author of Frankenstein; however, she was betrayed by her envious friend.


Extreme grandiosity can mean we lose our concept of reality. You can identify grandiosity in yourself or others by observing behaviors like overstated certainty of success, excessive touchiness when criticized, and disdain for authority. We can turn our grandiosity into practical grandiosity. Practical grandiosity involves channeling our energy into problem-solving and improving relationships. As aforementioned, Robert uses the example of Michael Eisner when talking about grandiosity. The previous CEO of Walt Disney attributed all Disney’s previous success to himself, and this eventually led to him isolating himself and ultimately failing. 

Gender Rigidity

There are strengths of feminine and masculine characteristics for different circumstances. Therefore, we should try and make use of both our masculine and feminine sides. Again, the example Robert provides for gender rigidity has already been spoken about. Caterina Sforza was a noblewoman who was admired for utilizing both her feminine and masculine qualities.  

انعدام الهدف

We can be pulled in many directions by our emotions and the opinions of others. This can lead to a lack of direction in our lives. Some people love change, while others are frightened by chaos. However, we should all develop a sense of purpose and use it to flourish throughout our lives, irrespective of change. Martin Luther King Jr. is a fine example of somebody who used very direct action to help him overcome failures. He utilized nonviolence and civil disobedience to advance civil rights.


We all want to fit in. However, this can lead to us behaving in ways we do not necessarily agree with. To overcome this, we have to develop a sense of self-awareness. Robert describes how Gao Yuan’s book, Born Red, showcases how people behave emotionally. Therefore, people generally lack the nuanced thinking and analysis required to excel. 


We all look to follow powerful people. However, this means that we tend to turn our backs on people as soon as they become weak. Therefore, to lead effectively, we have to give off a feeling of power, legitimacy, and fairness. Doing this will help people to trust you more. Robert provides the example of Elizabeth I as somebody who was not fickle. She had to constantly prove herself as leader of the country, so she did not rely on her royal blood to do so. Instead, she led by example. 


We all have stressors and frustrations in our daily lives. Occasionally these can become too much, and we display aggressive behaviors. We have to learn the signs that indicate aggressive individuals. There are a few ways to overcome aggression. Firstly, you can mirror their behavior. Alternatively, if the individual is consistently aggressive towards you, it is sometimes better to separate yourself from this person. This might involve quitting your job if the aggressive person is your boss. Robert provides the example of John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller became one of the most wealthy people in US history based on his aggressive strategies to gain power and control. However, he used his aggression in a productive rather than destructive way.

Generational Blindness

“Right now, you are living off the fruits of millions of people in the past who have made your life incomparably easier through their struggles and inventions. You have benefited from an education that embodies the wisdom of thousands of years of experience. It is so easy to take this all for granted, to imagine that it all just came about naturally and that you are entitled to have all of these powers. That is the view of spoiled children, and you must see any signs of such an attitude within you as shameful. This world needs constant improvement and renewal. You are here not merely to gratify your impulses and consume what others have made but to make and contribute as well, to serve a higher Purpose.”

- روبرت غرين، قوانين الطبيعة البشرية

Generations always want to separate themselves from the generation before them. Each new generation wants to change the world. Try and be more aware of the common features that you share with other generations. Plus, try and think about things from other generations’ perspectives. Robert provides the example of King Louis XVI of France. He was out of tune with his generation and this ultimately led to him falling victim to the French Revolution. 

Denying Mortality

We try to avoid thinking about death. However, we should be thinking about death. Awareness of our mortality gives our life goals a greater purpose. Robert provides the example of Mary Flannery O’Connor. Mary was an American Novelist who was diagnosed with lupus at the age of 27. This diagnosis gave her a sense of urgency that helped her overcome squabbles she had in life and deepen her understanding of the world. 

The Laws of Human Nature Final Summary and Review

The book describes the idea that humans have a tendency towards irrationality and emotional decision-making. It can lead to negative patterns and bad decisions. It also highlights various biases that humans are prone to when making decisions. 

Additionally, the book emphasizes the negative impact of social media on our ability to reflect and think critically.  It suggests that by understanding and accepting people’s motives and actions, we can reduce frustration and improve relationships. 

Robert Greene encourages people to cultivate rationality and balance thoughts with emotions to make informed decisions that are based on evidence and also to accept people as they are to improve relationships and reduce frustration.

He identifies 18 laws that he believes are fundamental to understanding human nature. These laws include Irrationality, Narcissism, Role-Playing, Character, Covetousness, and Short-sightedness. Each law is accompanied by an explanation of how it affects human behavior, as well as examples of people who have exhibited that behavior. 

The book also provides strategies for overcoming these laws and developing a better understanding of oneself and others. 


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